Apr 13, 2004 22:36
a real entry.
one thing that i appreciate about my work is that everybody is very open there. everyone knows who's a Christian, and who's Catholic, and who's homosexual, ... it's an extremely unusual environment where everybody believes different things but nobody is treated differently. i appreciate it.
i have a coworker named Quint that i've been praying for since i met him. right off the bat Nicole told me he was gay. it's kind of weird because i've never had to deal with friends being gay before. but from the day i met him i've had a huge burden for him.
Quint is one of the nicest guys i've ever met. he's sincere, genuine and honest. now that i think about it, the fact that he's not trying to impress any girls (or guys really) is one of his best qualities. he's just himself.
i'd decided that if i were going to ever talk to him about my views on homosexuality, he would have to bring it up. i would hate for him to feel on the defense. o my goodness.. today was incredible. i guess Quint knows i am a Christian, i believe everyone knows actually. there was a point during the day when nobody was in the store and we were just folding clothes and talking when he mentioned something about God. then he began asking me questions and just really opening up a whole string of questions about Christianity and homosexuality. one statement in particular i thought to be crucial:
"i want so bad to be a Christian but i don't think i can, because of this."
he said he knows in the Bible it is wrong so he doesn't think he could be a "good Christian" while being a homosexual.. the whole conversation was weird because it was mostly him going back and forth debating himself about it. i could tell it was something he's wrestled about in his mind and i was just amazed that he opened up like that. he didnt really give me a chance to speak but instead he asked if we could hang out after work tomorrow. i agreed and so i've been praying all day long that God would give me an opportunity to share the truth with him tomorrow and to talk with him about homosexuality.
the thing is, it's the weirdest thing because i've never had to deal with it. but God has totally been at the control today with somebody else asking me advice about it, and looking up verses and such.
mostly i'm asking whoever reads this to pray for me tomorrow and especially for Quint, who God has just totally given me this love for. i want more than anything to see Quint come to know the Lord. thanks guys.