It's eat, sleep, fuck in self defence

Feb 17, 2006 10:05

A whole week seems to have flown by. Most of this has been consumed by the Night Shift From Hell. Nights at my place are usually ok, I mean they fuck with your body clock, but mine's fucked already, and at least they give you a long weekend to look forward to. The work itself isn't that bad either, kill off the emails then chill out. Sadly this hasn't been the case, as the day shift have been woefully understaffed, leaving the night shift with more work than they can feasibly do, and no time for relaxing. It's bad to the point where I was asked to do another night last night, but I was in no mood. Only offering double time when they're offering triple at the weekend didn't help me say yes either. Props must go out, as ever, to fiendil and lost_in_music_ for their company. I've also been furnished with a nice lot of viewing material for when I have some spare time, and seeing as I'm skint until payday, it'll see me through the next week.

The week has been otherwise uneventful. Valentine's Day on Tuesday passed in a wave of indifference, I don't go for the whole negative attitude towards it, and slept through most of it. Tuesday night was the MC Lars gig, which I would have enjoyed a whole hell of a lot more if Rock City hadn't changed the door times and caused me to miss most of the set. Still, caught the end of it, and managed to catch up with Lars and have a chat, thoroughly nice chap he is too, and playing Leicester in March with a full band. The other bands of the evening were Hidden In Plain View (Thursday rip off) and Simple Plan (jumpy, smiley pop punk). A review will be furnished pretty much as soon as I've finished this entry.

Wednesday was RockSoc related, a few points about the weekend then off to LaserQuest for perhaps the most pointless game yet. People had previously complained that a few of us had been getting 'too physical' (I wouldn't mine, but I didn't start it), this led to a completely non physical couple of games. On top of that, the packs were set badly, so getting shot simply made you vibrate, it did nothing to your own rate of fire. This meant you didn't have to move, just walk around shooting, and shooting, and shooting. It was like playing 'Doom' with IDDQD and IDKFA, entertaining, but no real challenge. The guy who works there (who loves us by now) said they were *finally* getting the elite packs in, and redesigning the layout a bit, which will be good. I also had to miss the two free games due to having to get to work :(

Thursday night rolled around, and seeing as I'd decided against work I thought I really should go out, though my heart wasn't in it. I was glad I did though, as an initially quiet night warmed up pretty well. Spent most of the night with Meg and Random RockSoc bloke whose name I can never remember, with Tabby providing absinthe and lemonade and Frankie 'being emo' at me. It was ace to see lyinglistless as well, haven't seen you in far too long :)

I'm looking forward to this weekend, it should be a busy night at Magenta tonight, it being fyta's birthday, and kimera_hydra should be gracing us with her presence. Then on to tomorrow, where the Manchester crew are coming down for fun and frolics in Rock City, stars_umbra should be down, and maybe archenemy888 as well. Then come hell or high water I'll be doing something about getting a decent lunch on Sunday, I can't go on living on pasta (yes, adzzz, and kebabs)

Finally, belated thanks to spamsmolytic for providing the Atmosphere MP3s, I think jonthebloody will like them as well, if I ever see him again (he seems to have disappeared). And I am the proud owner of '3 Colours Red: Live at Islington Academy' DVD, it has a live version of 'God Shaped Hole', this makes me most happy :)

EDIT: In an effort to avoid being squeaked to death, I feel duty bound to also wish pinksparklystar a happy 12th birthday. See you tonight ;)

rocksoc, laserquest, night shift, gigs, music

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