Cause I, I, oh I always laughing when I'm hurting

Aug 01, 2005 16:42

A very hectic day at work, with people being ill and on holiday, and hence a brief update.

Friday, a merry jaunt around town, taking in the Speak Easy (during a power cut), the Pit (packed), the White Hart (where Various Sell Out People were), the Rescue Rooms (expensive) and the Tap (packed, smelled like a rest home). Then home to Scrubs on DVD :)

Saturday, a little light shopping, which is always fun. Found a place that had lots of Dali prints, very nice, but expensive. Decided against Rock City, and instead went to Cheryl and Sarah's place for Tonya's welcome home party (and farewell party, in a way, seeing as she's going back to France). Various Things happened, and I 'beat the leopard' quite soundly, thanks to greeba leaving a large bottle of Jack unattended (sorry bro', I owe you). People who I talked to, it was nice to talk to you :) Cheryl crashed about 2am, and most people decamped to the Zebra House, but me and Jon headed for home. At this point the night took a slightly surreal turn with kam_p turning up with people he'd dragged from Stealth. I wasn't in the mood for socialising, so made my excuses and went to bed.

Sunday, and it was decided it was best to not spend the day in bed moping. With that in mind we went to the Sir John for Sunday lunch, then rejoined Riley's pool club and played there for an hour or so. This led us nicely to the Speak Easy quiz, which we lost in quite startling fashion, shamefully being whipped into last place, behind teams from both Trent and Beeston (who had more people than us, in our defence). After a brief Subway detour, it was J7 again for more Scrabble, I put in what may have been my Worst Performance Ever, which seemed to complete the theme for the weekend. Still, it was nice to do something other than lie in bed all day feeling sorry for myself.

And today has been hell, call after call after bloody call. And likely more of the same tomorrow. Joy! The highlight of today is my High Life DVD arriving, which will provide this evening's entertainment.


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