It's been an interesting few days, with revelations, debate, delusion and argument going on in the wider social circles. I've been in quite a nice position, being able to sit back and watch the developments rather than get actively involved. I may post in more greater depth later. In the meanwhile:
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I have to say I'm surprised and rather disappointed. He's a weak man. He asks us (the public) to post what we like about him......then when the heat turns up and to his horror not everybody loves him, he bans me because I'm too good. Cowards way out.
He can no longer boast about his public status. He's censored me because he can't take me on. if I was to suggest this is also true in real life, i'd be inciting violence, so I'd never say such a thing, of course.
So there's shallowthings defence: get the last word then chicken out. What a girl. My English isn't bad, but his grammar and punctuation is marginally better than my own. I freely notice and accept this. But my argument is obviously too truthful for our delicate little shallow petal to handle. He can't even hide behind my English being better, because it's not, he's hidden behind a couple of girls, not once has he faced me. Not the time I confronted him in person, and not the time now in words. How utterly pathetic.
And now we can all get on with our lives.
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