Christmas Assault

Dec 08, 2006 15:29

It's been an interesting few days, with revelations, debate, delusion and argument going on in the wider social circles. I've been in quite a nice position, being able to sit back and watch the developments rather than get actively involved. I may post in more greater depth later. In the meanwhile:

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rocksoc, assault

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sergeant_slayer January 10 2007, 14:21:32 UTC
Thankyou for freedom of speech. I was unsure if you'd let this through.

Firstly. ref nu "metal" I didn't say that. It was another poster. Take it up with them, but it's most likely true, because nu "metal" was all the rage several years ago and Damian is clearly still looking for an identity now. More than one person thinks like I do about Damian you know. Lets see how many more stones are unturned. Perhaps also, as this poster has hinted, they've known him all that time, so have seen proof of D's past. I'll speak to the poster. He/she sounds pretty informed, and they certainly made me laugh!

Secondly. Taking a pop at my debatings skills is neither here nor there. I said from the start I could argue everything I said and I have done. Please provide evidence of me having a direct go at Trent as I cannot remember doing so. Please tell me how I have been inaccurate about Damian.

Granted nobody is perfect, but thank GOD not everyone's as maladjusted as Damian.

Finally, I said in my very first post why I was looking at Damian's Journal. Again, he has many enemies. He has not only brought these enemies upon himself, but in inviting an open debate on his journal, he has invited opinion. I welcome the honesty this democratic process has brought!


yourapocalypse January 10 2007, 14:52:50 UTC
My pleasure, I would rather have it in the open.

I apologise, you're quite right about the nu metal thing, it was someone else. As for Damian's past, I think I've known him as long as any in Notts, and have met and get on with his friends from his hometown. I think I'm in a good a position as any to pass judgement on him.

Having a direct go at Trent? You haven't. I read your journal though, including some entries that have since been deleted or made private.

Damian has enemies? I don't doubt it. I could give a list as long as my arm of people who don't like him, and a list almost as long of those with valid reasons. You're in the small minority where I don't understand exactly what your problem is with him. You don't like his journal? That's simple to deal with - don't read it. I don't know how well you know him in life, but you criticise his journal for being 'pretentious and narcissistic'. I don't know you in life, but a glimpse of your journal suggests the same about you (as a glimpse at mine says about me). Occasionally ranting about other topics (which Damian does as well) does not stop this impression.

'Please tell me how I have been inaccurate about Damian.'

I'll pick a couple of quotes:

'particularly when the man doesn’t actually measure up to his boasts'

What boasts has he made that you think he does not measure up to?

'You’re a complete fake'

What do you base this on? Damian, for his flaws, is one of the most 'real' people I know.

'stuff like how your screensaver is now something other than black'

Would someone introduce the concept of 'humour' to this man?

I think what I'm getting at is 'why have you piped up?'. You've got your opinions of the man, fair enough. I say again, I'm not defending him, he doesn't need it. But *why*? What's he done that's annoyed you so much? It's got to be more than writing a journal, surely? There's plenty of people, and plenty of journals, that annoy the living crap out of me, but I ignore them. What is it about him that has annoyed you to the point where you felt the need to spill such ill informed bilge over the internet? If you're as intelligent as you claim I would imagine there would be a more personal slight to cause all this?

And one final thing, you insinuated you've said this to Damian's face (I'm not accusing you of 'hiding behind the internet'). If this is correct, why does he not know who you are?

6/10 - better ;)


sergeant_slayer January 10 2007, 15:30:24 UTC
Apology accepted.

I've taken on board all the counter-criticism of my LJ without losing too much sleep because I anticipated it'd be attacked. I expected it and hinted that I did in my first post. After all I've had a go at Damian, your mate. However, I cannot take too seriously the counter attack that I'm somehow narcissistic and pretentious, because it's no more advanced than the game 5 year olds play in a playground saying "you're it".

I'd say I wrote more about right wing politics than any other subject including myself. Incidentally this doesn't make me popular either, but that's the point. I don't write to be popular!!!

He's greatly annoyed friends, not me, but the more I see of his journal the more I develop my own contempt. I am simply doing what you are. Sticking up for friends. The fact that he doesn't know of me in real life simply bears witness to how many people hate him. I've made it clear I can't stand him. To his face.

The usual dissection and counter dissection bit:

>'particularly when the man doesn’t actually measure up to his boasts'
He boasts all the time about how metal he is. In my opinion this is to convince the readership AND himself.

>'What do you base this on? Damian, for his flaws, is one of the most 'real' people I know.'
FFS. So real he poses ALL the time? So real he calls his journal "the book of heavy metal/chronicles of steel"? so real he goes swordfighting so he can brag to people he does it? (cause its metalllllllll!) btw listen to "This is Metal" by Zimmers hole. Conjures up the image perfectly.

>'Would someone introduce the concept of 'humour' to this man?'
Oh I've got humour! Many people have pissed themselves at what I've put up, because somebody needed to say it! I was never expecting a whitewash or the man would truly be beyond hope. It's good to see some people sticking by him but I think I've already clearly proved he's not all he claims to be.


yourapocalypse January 10 2007, 15:42:47 UTC
I think this will have to come down to 'honourable men can differ'.

'He boasts all the time about how metal he is. In my opinion this is to convince the readership AND himself.'

See I see a lot of self depreciation and humour in those statements. But then I know him better than you do. I liken it to me making self referential goth jokes (working on the basis that you don't know me, i'll state quite categorically that I'm not)

'so real he goes swordfighting so he can brag to people he does it?'

I think his interest in swordfighting is quite genuine, again from having known his interests for many years before he took it up.

'I think I've already clearly proved he's not all he claims to be.'

I don't think so. I think you've clearly proved you have an impression of him you despise, and that impression isn't accurate. I don't think you'd like him even if you did 'get' him to be honest.

To answer a question you haven't really asked, why am I sticking up for him? I'll say again, I'm not. Yeah I'm his mate, but I still stand by that he's capable of sticking up for himself. I think my comments have been largely because I've been on the end of similar attacks, and what's always annoyed me is when people get things wrong. I wouldn't mind people hating me for being me, but it annoys me when they hate me for who they think I am. Hate Damian all you like, but hate him for what he is, not what you think he is. That you've said he's annoyed/upset friends of yours leaves me unconvinced that you're in a position to do that.


sergeant_slayer January 10 2007, 16:02:39 UTC
Two people have put up quite unforgiving comments on that site of his, which he asked for, and he got.

While I note that on that entry, threads of mutual cocksucking between Damian and his chosen hosts easilly morph into 15+ sub entries of back and forth flattery, his critics have had less favourable responses except for one poor girl he tried to drag into an uncalled for fight because he thought he could win it, just like a home side is cockier when they know they're playing on home ground.

It is funny a man so full of himself seems so lost for words when it comes to his critics. Is it not because he's been told the truth for once? Surely even Damian wasn't so naive as to think he'd get a straight set of however many replies exclusively licking his arse!!

He has fucked off my friends and very good friends. I said what I did on their count, and I'm not too concerned whether you're convinced or not. I've also made it clear what I think of him to his face. If he can't remember, it's as I've said, it is clear he's simply got too many enemies.

I have no problem with you 'yourapocalypse' because you're only doing what a mate should do. Therefore, I think you should be able to appreciate, I'm simply representing my mates, and I'm sick to death of damian and the shit he broadcasts on the net.

Google me. This is the first (and will probably be the last) journal I've ever attacked. It takes a wanker of exceptional standards for me to find the time or need to put him in his place.


yourapocalypse January 10 2007, 16:17:53 UTC
I have Googled you, 'Andy W'. I've got to admit there wasn't too much info forthcoming. Had a listen to Dawn Of Chaos though. Or I might have barked up the wrong tree, who knows?

'I said what I did on their count'

I see. Well it's not something I can empathise with. He's annoyed a good many of my friends as well, but I can't say I'd ever take the action you have. Even if I didn't know him.

To conclude, I still think you, and a good many people, are wrong about Damian. I think Damian is aware of his flaws, I think his friends (the 'mutual cocksucking' indicates he hasn't pissed off everyone just yet) are aware of his flaws as well. I think a couple of your comments are valid, I've also heard Damian admit to these, I think a good deal more are inaccurate and based on hearsay or are from people with an axe to grind. I think there are a great many wankers in the world, and Damian, for his sins, is still one of the good guys.

I'll say again, 'honourable men can differ'.


yourapocalypse January 10 2007, 16:19:06 UTC
Oh, and 'It is funny a man so full of himself seems so lost for words when it comes to his critics.'

I will admit it's unusual for him to not defend himself. I'd imagine he's trying to work out who you are first.


sergeant_slayer January 10 2007, 16:27:17 UTC
Well, I'll introduce myself a second time next time I'm out. Cheers for the debate. Off to work.


sergeant_slayer January 11 2007, 02:30:18 UTC
I see Damian's now censored me from replying to what he's said.

I have to say I'm surprised and rather disappointed. He's a weak man. He asks us (the public) to post what we like about him......then when the heat turns up and to his horror not everybody loves him, he bans me because I'm too good. Cowards way out.

He can no longer boast about his public status. He's censored me because he can't take me on. if I was to suggest this is also true in real life, i'd be inciting violence, so I'd never say such a thing, of course.

So there's shallowthings defence: get the last word then chicken out. What a girl. My English isn't bad, but his grammar and punctuation is marginally better than my own. I freely notice and accept this. But my argument is obviously too truthful for our delicate little shallow petal to handle. He can't even hide behind my English being better, because it's not, he's hidden behind a couple of girls, not once has he faced me. Not the time I confronted him in person, and not the time now in words. How utterly pathetic.


yourapocalypse January 11 2007, 10:58:58 UTC
It's unusual for Damian to not respond to a debate, maybe he's finally learning. Or maybe, and I'd suspect this is the case, he doesn't care about you.

And now we can all get on with our lives.


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