She always used to say 'he never had a down day'

Sep 11, 2006 13:47

For what I thought would be a fairly sedate weekend in Nottingham I was surprised to find it pretty damn exhausting. On Friday afternoon after the last update I went into town to go for a drink and a natter with x_murderotica_x before being having Shorty drag me round Nottingham's charity shops in search of waistcoats, top hats, straw boaters, beige trousers and other items of a similarly dubious nature. Ended up in the fancy dress shop near the Tap where I was amused to find Michaela, who I lived with in Halls, behind the counter. Crimes against fashion duly commited I returned home to meet Tom, drink whiskey, and get ready to go out.

When we finally made it out the door we went down to the Pit, where were refused entry because jonthebloody didn't have any ID. Now I know there's this 'challenge 21' policy going around at the moment (and Pit security informs me they do 'challenge 25', but one look at Jon will show he's not under 18 by a long stretch. 17 year olds don't tend to have sleeve tattoos for one, so maybe a little common sense could have been excercised. Still, we went to the Speak Easy instead, which was cheaper anyway, and chatted to de_pres_ive, prockerz and Thom before heading up to City. Damage was, as expected, nothing special. Still, the company was good, talked to big ginger Wayne about how he wants to spend more time outside Nottingham (can't say I blame him), had an unusually frank chat with markachuu, said a brief hello to fenbane, finally met eiren after watching his name crop up on friend's journals for the last six months, and spent the rest of the time fratenising with the usual suspects. Ultimately however, I couldn't be arsed with the night, and I left early to watch some new 'American Dad' and get sleep in for the next day.

Saturday day was spent in a bit of a haze, despite minor setbacks (train delays, occupied baths) I managed to round up three girls and one monkey, and get them all to lost_in_music_'s place for the first Apocalypse Girls photo shoot. Fuelled by vodka, Type O Negative and suspicious veggie burgers, the shoot surpassed all our expectations and we got some really excellent pictures out of it. We're doing selection, editing and watermarking in the next few days, and then they'll start appearing places :) Thanks to lost_in_music_ for turning his new flat into a studio for the day, troubled_strife for the backdrops/props, vampiric_monkey for voicing all the ideas I was having and of course x_murderotica_x, manniqueen_ and chemistrybecci for turning up and looking so damn pretty.

Post-shoot, I delivered Becci to shallowthing, and exchanged her for a nice new shinai, which I resisted using on the chavs on the walk home back through Sneinton. Back in the flat I found Jon and Sharon drinking and getting ready to go out, we were joined by tinker_goth and straythoughts, who demanded porn and a corkscrew before settling into the predictable round of emo-bashing ;) After waiting for Jules to create her outfit, I tripped down to Nightmare ahead of the others. Nightmare was enjoyable as ever, though a little more empty than it should have been. No real surprises from the night, and once again I was in a social mood, but not a dancing mood. Had a decent talk with adam_supernal and varioussorrows, and had great fun molesting greeba's offering of cuddly marine life. Besides that, between not being in the mood to dance, and soft drinks being overpriced, I once again wussed out fairly early (around two I think) and returned home so as to not burn myself out before the Sunday. Apologies to gadgeeuropa for not making the party.

Sunday was an unfeasibly nice day for September, and I'm still somewhat irked that I slept through the whole morning. When I finally rose we went down to Scruffy's for Sunday lunch to celebrate troubled_strife's birthday, and stuffed ourselves until we could barely move. Scruffys is to be congratulated on doing the best pork crackling I've ever had, short of my mother's, of course. After dinner, I responded to the increasingly irate messages from Shorty and walked over to Hyson Green to rehearse for next weekend. I'm now appearing in two skits as 'Lord Ivor Hardshafte', the 'big spender' skit (sit down, get lapdance) and the 'garden party' skit (sit down, have women fawn over me). It's a hard life. I'm also pleased to report that watching videos of some older performances shows the Dolls are slightly better than I'd first thought, so I'm confident about the whole thing. After brief rehearsal and much faffing we turned to general bitching, I was amused to learn that a couple of people who irritate me, also get under the skin of seemingly half of Nottingham. What fun! After leaving Shorty's and returning home I was beginning to flag. Folk were watching films in the next room, but I couldn't concentrate, so I bummed around on the internet and talked to Ash about getting some graphics done for the AG site. That boy knows his stuff, not half an hour had passed since I pitched a couple of ideas at him and he was sending some images back. All very promising.

Now I'm back at work, for the first full five day week in a while. The good news however is that the old break room has been changed into an email room, and myself and Doran are sat here in comfort and quiet, burning through emails like nobody's business, unencumbered by customers, phone calls, or staff queries. Bliss :)

work, burlesque, nightmare, deville dolls, damage, apocalypse girls

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