I don't know where I'm going but I'll end up in your arms

Jul 11, 2006 05:32

I think for a change I'd better start this one with a list of 'Happy Birthday' messages. chalkeh, squeeface, altarsofgrrness, pesky_nymph, de_pres_ive and voluptua. Hope you've all had a good weekend :)

As for my weekend, well Friday was taken off work, so I had a not-really-deserved lie in, then went to town to run errands. Picked up an eye patch for later and Atmosphere tickets. Met altarsofgrrness, Brian and denatone in Yates' for a quick drink. Went on to John Lewis and Jessops to look for a new digital camera, and to get one of doompixie's pictures printed out. Went home just long enough to drop crap off, then back into town to join squeeface's birthday gathering. Her choice of celebration? Watching Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (while dressed as pirates, naturally), which was reasonably entertaining. Then moving on to the Speak Easy where I drank large amounts of rum for the first time since I was a teenager. Plenty of people in the pub as well, so it was nice and sociable. I found myself flitting between groups, propping up the bar with workmates, outside with elizalovesyou and tinker_goth and with Sali and her posse. Thanks to vampiric_monkey for getting my ticket for me, and accompanying me for kebab related goodness :)

Saturday, got up fairly early to get the train down to London. Met up with The Sister in Covent Garden and wandered round for a bit before going for lunch at a fairly nice (and bloody expensive) place that I can't remember the name of (possibly the Rock Garden). Then, in a bout of randomness, we went tie shopping (for the wedding). I am now the 'proud' owner of the gayest pink tie I have ever seen, and a rather natty blood red one (not a goth). After leaving The Sister, it was off kimera_hydra's place to chill out for a bit, before heading to Bethnal Green for the Satan's Circus show. Once again, an evening spent in the company of the SC girls was the most fun I've ever had while leaving my trousers on. We were joined by _vimto_ and manniqueen_, DeeDee and Cherry's performances were amazing, varioussorrows made an excellent début despite consuming enough alcohol to stun a small village and Lauren did a fantastic 'chav striptease' to Lady Sovereign. Christelle used me in her act at the end, which was pretty cool seeing as all I had to do was sit and ignore her taking her clothes off, before picking her up and carrying her off stage. The club itself was amazing, being transformed from a working men's club at 8pm, to a heaving circus by 10pm. There was lots of rum going around that night as well, but I stuck to the ephedra just to keep myself awake. After the show we made a spectacularly unsuccessful mission to the Blue Sunflower, before giving up and going back to Kate's to crash out (thankyou, Kate, you're ace). Against the odds, managed to get a couple of hours sleep despite being woken by a wasted and stumbling voluptua at about seven. Thanks to all the SC ladies for such a great night. Here's to the next one ;)

Sunday, and after not much sleep we left _vimto_ to recover and myself and manniqueen_ headed to Camden to kill a few hours. I was wandering round in a bit of a daze, and didn't buy anything, but saw some nice leather stuff, from notebooks, to wristbands to replace the ones lyinglistless got me from Thailand. Maybe next time, when I have more cash and haven't spent the night before throwing twenties after bottles of JD. So anyway, after an hour of shopping, it was back up to Notts. Got home, went to Asda, bought food, cooked food then passed out. Dragged myself (and I do mean 'dragged') out of bed to get to work in time for my night shift. Work was no fun, because all my browser bookmarks have mysteriously disappeared, so I couldn't deal with half the queries I was getting. Still, I managed to get the weekend's photos uploaded, and recorded the SC girls talking with some TWAT of a DJ on Kerrang radio.

And so to Monday, which I spent in bed. Then the evening saw the Atmosphere gig, which I've been looking forward to (and going on about) for weeks now. I think it's safe to say that myself, jonthebloody and spamsmolytic were pretty damn impressed. Brother Ali supported, and ANT Djed for both him and Slug. No band this time, but an impressive setlist:

Atmosphere Setlist
The Arrival
Trying to Find a Balance
Panic Attack
Cats Van Bags
Blah Blah Blah (Brother Ali)
Guns & Cigarettes
God Loves Ugly
Hey There
Party For The Fight To Write
Dirty Girl (Felt)
Modern Man's Hustle
Hockey Hair
Smart Went Crazy
Fuck You Lucy
The Woman With The Tattooed Hands
Don't Ever Fucking Question That
Little Man
Always Coming Back Home To You
Get Fly

Brother Ali did backing vocals on half the tracks, sure there was no 'Vampires', 'Reflections' or 'Pour Me Another', but if they played everything I wanted to hear, I'd still be there now. Picked up the 'You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having' album as well :)

And then I ended up at work, which is where I am now. Counting down the hours till I can go home and sleep again. I've got an inkling of what I'm going to do for my birthday at the end of the week now, but i'll post about that later.

london, travel, films, satan's circus, gigs, music

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