Apr 02, 2008 01:47
... I'm pro-abortion.
So lately I've constantly felt the need to make myself heard regarding my views on several subjects. It's been awhile since I just went off about... whatever. Abortion, the war on drugs, religion, politics, environment. Shit just pisses me off. I'm tired of there being so much wrong with the world. It seems like any effort to make it better is just futile. Plus, I'm constantly second guessing my opinions and beliefs over issues because of both sides of an argument having contradicting "facts". It just seems like someone's always lying, and I don't know who to believe. Ridiculous. I think I'm just gonna give up and mind my own business from now on. Its hard enough taking care of my own shit, let alone bearing the weight of the world.
On a lighter note, (Chris, you're probably the only one who'll get this) the other day at work a friend of mine got a shipment of boxes labeled "Wayne Enterprises" down his chute. We both shared a laugh because we came across Batman's batarang shipment. A few minutes later I got a shipment of wine down my chute, and I told him they were Iron Man's boxes. He didn't get it... It's funny though, right?