Renzhe and the Yahoo Talent Contest

Dec 04, 2006 08:40 may have seen we were in the Top 250 a few days ago... cool huh?

Well here's the rub to all of it, for our fans, friends and haters alike...

WE GOT TOP 5!!!!!!!

That's right your boys in Renzhe are in the top 5 out of 5000 videos submitted and already have begun the final competition, which ends with us spending a week in the NYC.

Each challenge has a theme to it, each video we have done we hope to show the world our personality, some cool parkour, a few fun stunts, and make it entertaining.

Please go and vote for our videos!

We need the help of the internet to win this.. and we truly believe we could win!

So go to and check out our videos!

You'll laugh, You'll cry, you may even wonder what the hell we were thinking, but regardless you will be entertained!


just do it for us :P

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