
Aug 05, 2005 12:24

 My Cousin Corinne i love her so much!! me n her  have had so many good tymes together!! i dont care how much we fight or call each other idiots.. i <3 her with all my heart.. and i dont care.. shes not my cousin.. shes kinda like my sister and my best freind.. shes always there for me when i need her and i hope nothing ever comes between us or we stay as close as we are.. because my freinds may come and go but i know she will always be there for me no matter what comes our ways because we will always be related no matter what happenes... after our uncle died i relized how some1 can come in your life and just all of a sudden they arnt there anymore... since then we have spent so much time together and i hope me moving to livonia will bring us even closer together than we already are...

 Kelsey.. what can i say shes my best friend and i dont know what i would do without her... she has always been there for me and high school is gonna be so hard without her.. i couldnt picture my life without her.. i love her so much and wish i didnt have to leave her... she has been there for me for me tho everything even tho my stupid things she supported me while other people walked out on me.. these 3 years with her have been the best years and i cant wait to tell my high school friends about her... because i know they will <3 her as much as i do!!!

 Kayla, man when u say great tymes i think of her.. we have had so many great tymes with each other.. and high school is gonna be so hard with out her cheering me ^ everytyme i was down or when i needed cheering ^.. she knew how to.... i <3 her and i will never forget her.. i just hope she doent forget me...

 Brittni, mann have we had some bad tymes...  but we had some really good tymes 2!!!! and those good tymes made ^ for the bad tymes when we were in the fights.. i <3 her so much!! and i dont know what i would do without her.... since 6th grade...  tho thick and thin.. always and forever.. the best of freinds!! i <3 you and im gonna be lost with out u!!!!

 Krista, mann we have made thing 1 heck of a year with that whole big fight.. and im sorry for putting you tho it... but we missed out on alot of stuff because of that... i remember in the 6th and 7th and part of 8th when we were like insepable... and nothing would come between us..and now all of the tymes we use to have is all memoires... hopefully we will meet ^ soone or later!! i <3 you girl.. and remember if you ever need me just go outside and kiss the rain.. and i will get the message...

 Mere... mann the best of tymes.. at your birfday party... when our lil dance... and the emily w dance.. so many good tymes and im missing you so much.. we use to be so close and i dont know what im gonna do without you by my side next year... we have always been there for eachother and now all of our tymes are memories that will sooner or later fade.. but i <3 you

 Kylie, good tymes good tymes and really really bad tymes.. like krista we had missed out on so many good tymes in 7th grade with windsheld wippers and in the 7th grade when we became the best of friends and how that we are drifting apart... i hate it.. because u have made me the person i am today.. i dont know if i would have made ittho middle school if it wasnt forb you.. i <3 you..

Lauren, good tymes... but lost some with that fight... i <3 you and i remember when we ment in the 6th grade.. we had some of the best in my life with you... and when we went to the mall and movies wtih tyler and keith that was so funee.. i hope that our freindship never ends.. i <3 you grly.. and i dont know what i would do without you...

Tyler, i <3 you... u are my bestest guy friend... u have always been ther for me and i dont know what i would do without u.. i wsih ididnt hve to leave you.. and now me and you dont really talk... i just  wish we were as close as we were in schoool.. because i will never ever forget u! i <3 you!!

 Kyle D, he is so sweet and i <3 him.. he is always there for me to talk to if i need to talk to somebody.. and it sucks that we wont be as close as we were... i <3 you..

 MOOSE, what can i say i <3 her so much.. we have so many good tymes and i have helped her with alot of her problems and she has helped me 2... we have so many inside jokes and she is so funny... and now that uor friendship is weeking,.i hate it because i cant picture my life without her...i <3 her so much and i dont know what im gonna do without her next year...

 Kimber, we gotten so close once i switched to A house and now that i have to move sucks.. she would always listen to me and i could always make he laugh and we would take about nothing and i <3 her for that... i just hope she never forgets me because i will never forget her..

Sammi, i <3 her she is 1 of the sweetest people i have ever ment.. and she is always here if you need to talk to some1... and she gives such good advice.. i <3 her and i hate how i have to leave her.. i hope that she will never forget me... <3 you sammi

 Liz, she is so sweet and is always there so i can talk to some1.. we have had so many good tymes.. in the 7th grade we driftd but i know i can always turn to her if i need aa shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with i know shes there... and iknow that she will always be there for me..

Molly, what can i say about molly.. she is Awsome.. and i <3 her for that!! she so funny and not afraid to show who she really is.. i <3 her...

 Jessica, she is so funny and sweet and i dont know how she puts ^ with some things that people do to her.. shes so strong tho everything  and i <3 her for that.. and i hope hat she does awsome in high school.. I <3 her and i will never forget her...

 Asya, i <3 her so much.. she has always been there for me and i dont know what im gonna do without my gossip queen lol!! and even tho i have given her advice and she didnt listen to me.. i know she means the best and i know that me n her our freindship will stay strong forever!! i <3 her..

adam, he is so sweet and is a great and easy person to talk to about anything and i <3 him fro that. Me and Adam have been tho alot but i still <3 him..

 Chelsea, what can i say about chelsea i <3 her even tho we arnt that close anymore. we wer the best of freinds in the 6th grade and then we kinda drifted but i still <3 her and i know she is always here fro me no matter what i do... and she knows im always here for her.. and i hoep that she will Never forge me.. because chelsea has made me the perosn i am.. by helping me tho everything even if that ment to stay ^ while i ws over her house and i was crying she would help me and i <3 her for that!!

.:*Other people im missing that i dont have pictures*:.

*Janet*Amy*Emily*Destiny*Tyler dabbs*Justin*Amanda z*Amanda s*Kyle n*Chad w*Johnny w*Trisha Sp*Trisha S*Laciandra*Lauren W*Heather*danielle*Lacey*Stacey*Katie*Sandra*Harry*Cole*nolan*Kara*Ashlee*Jade*Kaylie*Bobby O*Bobby C*

**Sorry about this enrtie i tyink im kinda homesick...**


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