really old pics

Jul 23, 2005 16:15

i was just looking at my camera and find these.. not any pics of me but its really pretty!

 so pretty it was like a Perfect half circle..

 kinda hard to see..

^^^ those were taking at my old apts in Michigan^^^

anyways about texas..

Still homesick. dont really kno what to do to take my mind off of all the stuff that is happening.. everything is out of control and i dont have any control over it,, sometymes i just wana roll into a lil ball and pretending none of this is happening.. im nto ready for h.s and im nto ready to move im not ready to go to a school where i dont know anybody im not ready for anything.. bt its lyfe and im gonna have to face it sooner or later but i do sure wish it was later than sooner!! i mean for ONCE in like 2 years im finally becoming best freinds with chelsea ryan like we were uin 7th grade and now im leaving.. mann luck just doesnt seem to want to come on my side these days.. i just dont know what to do anymore.. i just sit ^ at night crying.. while im writing my letters to every1.. it brings back memoires along with talking with every1 online 2.. im hoping when we go to San Antrino(sp) it will bring things back to life for me... and i will finally have a good tyme down here in texas.. and on the 3rd of Aug my cuz Corinne will be down here with me so im hoping and praying she will help me out... then the 6th my dad is moving to livonia:(:-\  i just have so many thoughts in my head and they just come out all together so i cany think about just 1... and what hurts me the most is that i wont be there for birfday partys for like my best friend(Kelsey) and my best bud(kendall)..

People i miss!

*Kelsey*Brittni*Kendall*Tyler Dabbs*Bobby*Asya*Kylie*Jessica*Mere*Amanda*Lauren*Krista*Kayla*Liz*Kimber*Sammi*Kyle Duffy*Amy*Trisha*Emily*Chelsie*Chelsea*Janet*Ava*Kyle Nolan*Tyler W*Kyle S*Adam*Mario*Justin*

** sorry if i forgot any1 cant really think right now and they arnt in any order**

<3 leave some please help me think of what to do to keep my mind off of things..

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