I've been thinking about this all wrong... I've used the phrase "damned if I do, damned if I don't" frequently about Teach for America.
- If I don't get in, I'll have a lot more application work to do and then assured evening classes next year. What a pain.
- If I get in, I'll have two years of the hardest job in my life.
Such negativity, while perfect for princes of Denmark, doesn't suit me. This situation is so much better than I've thought. It's "win-win."
- If I get in, I will have gotten into the program that's "harder to get into than college," for which I have been groomed these past five years and at which I would be possibly quite adept.
- If I don't get in, I will have much more flexibility with where Austin, Al, and I get to go AND I'll be teaching students who are more interested in learning, possibly more interested in math, and, having been given a better education beforehand, they will know more and I'll be able to cover more interesting math.
Either way, this year is going to be a lot of passionate labors of love. Bring it 2008. After 2005, I can handle anything.
Seven days and counting.