Feb 21, 2004 08:43
eh..first thingy..might be one of the last cuz i wont remember this thing a wEEk from now so am i suPPosed to teLL u bout my day or life or sumthin?
ach i just woke up its 8 4sumthin and i want to be aslEEp actuaLLy no i waNNa watch a movie .. last night i watched doNNie darko...if u havent sEEn that movie x-out of this now i cant even talk to u
hmm...lets sEE..if your tOO retarded to lOOk at my info or whtevr im niKKi *Gasp i kno...i think my dog has to pEE now so i must depart and let him out...fareweLL maitEE i wiLL miSS you aLL greatly in um...i forgot what i was goNNa type so gOOd bie...