(no subject)

Mar 07, 2002 19:29

01. Fallen for your best friend?: oh yeah, and hard too
02. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: yeah, its so fun
03. Been rejected?: more than id like
04. Been in love?: yeah i think so
05. Been in lust?: definitely
06. Used someone?: no
07. Been used?: yes....i guess im just a piece of meat
08. Cheated on someone?: no, thats really shitty
09. Been cheated on?: yeah
10. Been kissed?: yeah...hard core dude
11. Done something you regret?: yeah

*Who was the last person...

12. You touched? i hit my brother
13. You talked to? my mom
14. You hugged? brandon
15. You instant messaged? katie
16. You kissed? uh...katie you know
17. You had sex with? im a virgin (kiss my ass...its cool)
18. You yelled at? my sister
19. You laughed with? katie
21. Who broke your heart? uh....i dont know

*Do you...

22. Colour your hair? nope, unless you count highlights
23. Have tattoos? nope im too chicken to get one
24. Piercings? yeah
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? no no and no
27. Own a webcam? nope
28. Ever get off the damn computer? not really
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? thats really gay...that shouldnt be in here
30. Habla espanol? si mi amigo, me llamo amy...whats up?
31. Quack?: sometimes if im in the mood

*Have you / do you...

32. Stolen anything? yeah i stole pink scissors when i was 7 cause my dad wouldnt buy them for me
33. Smoke? sometimes
44. Schizophrenic? no
45. Obsessive? nope
46. Compulsive? no
47. Obsessive compulsive? NO
48. Panic? not really
49. Anxiety? no
50. Depressed? yeah sometimes
51. Suicidal? nope
52. Obsessed with hate? no dude
53. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? thats demented
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? no
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? amywhere but here
56. Who would you be with? that certain someone
57. What would you be doing? hangin out
58. What are you listening to? kmk
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? no
60. Chicken or fish? chicken
62. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? no
63. Why are the numbers all screwy-like? hey...i think its possible that you may be a fairy
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