Yup! This Journal is Friends 0nly.
o1. D0nt want family 0r friends reading this.
o2. N0 stalker shit g0es 0n if i c0ntr0l wh0 l00ks at my j0urnal.
o3. I w0uld like some privacy.
Wanna Be Added?
+Just C0mment+
o1. See if we have anything in c0mm0n.
o2. D0nt be an assh0le
o3. Add me first
o4. It seems a l0t 0f y0u just add me and expect me t0 add y0u back. well um c0mment if y0u want t0 be added 0r I w0n't knw 0therwise wh0 has added me.
My life is rated NC-17.
What is your life rated? -*-your_wh0re-*-