Title: Remember the Daze: Volume One, Two, and Three
Author: xo_chams on LiveJournal / eccentricchams on Fanfiction.net
Rating: From PG-13 to R
Summary: Join our Twilight loved ones in an AH adventure through their final year of high school. In Volume One, we have Bella who's first meeting with Edward results in a bodily injury--will everything continue to spiral down hill from there? In Volume Two, we follow Rosalie, the cheerleader, and Emmett, the college freshman, both fighting their feelings for one another because we all know long distance relationships never work out. In he final installment, Volume Three, we spend our time with Jasper and Alice, two people who love and care for each other but can never seem to stay together for long.
Read Them Here:
Volume One,
Volume Two,
Volume ThreeNote: Each different volume follows the couples during their last year of high school. This idea came to me on a whim, and I'm running with it. Read and let me know what you think ;]