strange dream sequence #5491846791

Jan 07, 2009 09:27

so it started with me waking up to the sound of the rats in the ceiling, to which i screamed and screamed and ran into the kitchen, only to find dmitry and his friends drinking b/c it was some holiday i forgot about. the ceiling was dipped in and they had chewed almost all the way through: you could see the sunlight through it. i threw things at it, and rat hair fell out of it. i was angry and my bed was covered in rat hair. i tried to call my father for help and got none so i decided fuck it, i'm going for a drive.

and i was in what i thought was connecticut but it was much further south. i took my row boat instead of my car, and i was going so slow i actually noticed the lighthouse i always drove past. then i remembered that it was a popular holiday for beach picnics, since it wasn't freezing in the middle of winter. so i sunk my boat in the river and filled it with heavy rocks so i wouldn't have to pay for parking, and ran across the highway to get to the beach.

the beach was steep, and reminded me of the beach me & zach & his dad had gone to in north carolina (except this didn't happen, my dream mes have memories i myself don't have) and i saw kara & kelly & ate italian ice and vanilla flavored soy beans and i was very conscious of how i was going over my allotted sugar for the day. some old dude with a beard and chin piercing asked me about the little clover tattoo on my finger and i explained how i wanted to make sure i liked it before i got it filled in. it was time for me to leave. it was hard to climb up the steep hill that was now there but i didn't notice before.

when i got back to where things were parked, i was going to try to nonchalantly dig my car out of the river, but walked through the parking lot to pretend my boat was in there. there wasa strange looking middle eastern man squatting on a table but pretending to hang himself saying "help help somebody help me" and i thought something was off, but i couldn't walk away without doing something so i said "just stand up you're not actually being choked" and then he jumped down and attacked me "so you're being smart, eh?" and some sort of fight involving knives ensued. i'm not sure how i got out of it but it ended in a cafeteria looking thing with lots of families from the beach and i was like STOP STOP NOT INFRONT OF THE KIDS THEY DON'T NEED THIS MEMORY.

okay weird enough. i wanted a pair of giraffe pajamas just like the ones i had and ripped (again a fake memory) so i went to salvation army. i found them, on sale for $2.22 with 22% off, and bought them. there was as kirt i liked a lot, but it was $16.54 and that was too steep for me. so i went to see if the other salvation army had it, which was on the other side of this strange beach town i now found myself in. my family was with me, and i was driving the crown victoria from the middle seat. we argued and argued and i bitched my mother out over where this store was. it was bad.

then i was back on the nice side of the inlet where my brother and his friend had a beach house. as i was leaving, i heard a guy on the porch in the apartment next to theirs yell at two of his buddies across the street who held up bags of loot to say YES WE STOLE THIS MUCH! so i ran inside to warn my brother, but somehow didn't shut the door when i did it, so this guy heard every word. when i left again (and i don't know why but i HAD to leave) he said "that wasn't very nice of you. they're gonna get you, little girl." so i started walking down the street and took off my silly hat that i just realized i was wearing so that they would have a harder time recognizing me. at the end of the street, it was very dark and the area was known for criminals faking to be cops so i found a dark stairway i could hide on across from the last bright thing, a big theatre called Salmons of Leon, and noticed that two other girls were hiding here. they just blended right in, so i tried to do the same and called my dad to apologize and said please please please come save me.

then i got woken up by the goddamn squirrels in the ceiling.
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