Oct 16, 2009 11:28
So, out here in the wilds of New Jersey, we continue to be alive (despite the LJ silence). Bonnie and the kids have been sick, but so far I’ve been spared (knock on wood).
It’s funny… I know a bunch of things have happened since the last time I updated, but for some reason none of them seem to rise to the level of importance that makes me want to write about them. I think part of the reason for that, though, is that I keep going so long between posts that in order to cover everything it just becomes a list of activities - which isn’t much fun to write or, I’m sure, to read. I should stay on top of things better.
Anyway, time for a vent! The soccer league in which I coach and Lily plays only just sent out notices to the coaches this Tuesday, by email, that team pictures were going to be done tonight (yes, on a mere 3 days’ notice, and that’s if the coach happened to read their email the very day it was sent). What’s more, they forgot to include me in the list. Fortunately the other coach on the team just happened to read her email the next day and notified all the parents. I could go more into how they’ve continued to screw this up since then, but suffice it to say that this league gets more poorly run every year.