Since Last I Updated

Nov 17, 2008 13:14

It’s been some time since I made an update here - almost a month. Evan’s joined Webelos (that thing between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts) because a couple of his friends are in it and it gives him the chance to see them since he’s no longer in public school. Lily wants to join Girl Scouts (well, I guess at her age it’s Brownies). Our soccer record is now 3-2-1.

This past Saturday’s game got canceled due to rain and we’re told it won’t be made up. That leaves just one game left to play (against the same team I ranted about back in my last update).

One of Bonnie’s friends from when she worked at Walmart is going through a divorce. The woman’s a wreck, and leaning on Bonnie a lot (by which I mean calling her 3-4 times every day to panic/vent/ask for help making decisions). She even has Bonnie going to her meetings with her lawyer. It’s a lot of stress, to say the least.

I did well on my class Mid-term (92). Now I’m just trying to slog through to the end. Last class is December 4, when we have to turn in our Final Exam //and// present our class projects.

Bonnie’s mother has decided to take us to a show at Radio City Music Hall in NYC the week of December 8, so I’m taking a couple vacation days to do that. We’ve decided to go ahead and use vacation days for small things like this, since for financial reasons we’ve given up on having a big vacation this year.

A couple times in the last month we’ve had ishtar137 over for dinner on Sunday after fighter practice, which has made for very nice evenings. And next week we’re luring her back with the promise of the season finale of True Blood.
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