Welcome to part two of university! Last time all the kids graduated and headed off to university. There Liam, Gavin and Aaralynn made friends and even lovers while the other two did stuff together. The heir poll will be open only for so long now so get voting if you haven't already. You can access the poll
here. We start off with Aaralynn trying to get this guy (still don't know his name and don't feel like going into the game) to love her.
It seems to be working!
Aren't they so cute?!
Gavin get out of the picture.
I can still see you...
Much better! <3
Aaralynn: I know we have only know each other for a small amount of time, but will you be my boyfriend?
We'll take that as a yes.
Watching the stars spam//
Spam over//
They are so cute together.
These two are trying to be friends and somewhat succeeding.
Meanwhile inside...
Aaralynn. I really don't think that is something you should wear around your brother.
Hanna comes over quite often.
Liam is also trying for love.
It worked!
Ryan is rocking his singleness. :)
Brayden really likes Hanna too, but Liam got to her first.
The University town is so pretty!
Oh, hi Miles! If you don't remember who he is, he is the second generations spouse of my old legacy and actually Elisabeth's father.
I swear she never leaves.
Hanna: I'm so happy you are back. I missed you.
Liam: I missed you too.
Just like his parents when they first met. :D
Liam: Hanna? Will you be my girlfriend?
Hanna: Of course. *smooch*
This is a bit more than the smooching.
Guys you can't woohoo if there is someone in the room.
Liam: Leave you peasant!
Hanna: *thinking* I love that guy.
Hanna: Oh yeah! I just had woohoo!
The day before exams. Everybody is studying hard.
Except for Liam. He was too tired from his date the night before.
Aaralynn: Ah! Hail!
Look who's here!
They all had to sit in the hail for two hours and draw. If you look right at the top of the picture you can see Ryan. >.<
Relaxing after exams. They all passed with flying colours.
Liam was invited to another party.
So cool in his leopard print swim shorts.
Raven: OMG! It's Liam Hitch. I'm such a big fan.
The next morning it was time for report cards.
Brayden got and A in business.
Liam: I'm too scared to look...
Liam: What?
Liam: What?!
Liam: I got a B! He was in physical education.
Aaralynn got an A in fine arts, Gavin got a C in technology, and Ryan got an A in fine arts.
Her face. <3
These two are pretty good friends, always doing things together.
They aren't really good at Frisbee.
Instead of sleeping, Brayden thought coffee would be a better idea.
Brayden: Who needs sleep.
That guy is really creepy, always watching Aaralynn and the fang guy.
Brayden finally went to bed.
This is pretty much all Ryan does.
University is over.
Welcome home you guys!! XD
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Comments and feedback is always appreciated! :) Next time I post it will be generation two, so be ready!