Hey guys! Welcome to another generation. I can't believe I have made it this far and want to thank you guys for the support. :)
The winner of the tie breaker is...Annie!
Annie: Why me?
Because the people love you....and Noble...
Bailey was fine with only getting one vote and went on with scaring her father.
Sheba and Annie are still best of friends. :)
I decided that Annie would take up gardening now that it was summer.
After securing a job, Bailey moved out.
Annie met Noble (
arilynseasons) at the park, sadly he was still a teen.
Noble: You look different, did you do something different with your hair?
Annie: Noble, I am a young adult now.
Noble: I guess that makes sense.
Noble disappeared for a bit so Annie looked for eggs.
When Noble came back he was a grumpy young adult.
Now it was date time.
They danced all evening.
But stopped when he stood on her toes.
They tested their love and got the second highest. :)
And then things progressed to this.
Of course he said yes. <3
I found my first, known of, gnome!
Time for Dominic to become a teen.
Here he is. He gained the trait party animal.
Dominic: Oh no.
Annie: What are you doing not at school?
Dominic: It's my birthday, I don;t have school.
Her yelling was interrupted by this...
Later that day a wedding was had.
And cake was sliced and eaten.
I just love these pictures.
I also really like her dress.
But, she wasn't standing to show me her dress. She's pregnant!
Annie: Noble, I know we just got married but...
Annie: I'm pregnant!
He was ecstatic about it.
That night they got the master bedroom.
This dog came back, and it won't leave again.
This is when they became best friends forever. <3 :)
Noble is best friends with this dog.
Sheba wakes these two up every morning.
What's wrong?
Sam: The baby is coming!
And for sure it was so off to the hospital.
It's a girl.
Very grumpy Annie.
Meet the newest addition, Fawn. She is insane like her father and easily impressed. I don't know where the hair colour came from but her eyes are from her grandfather (Annie's side).
She is also adorable.
Everybody just wants to be with her.
Another birthday is here.
I finally wrote down his teen trait, which is disciplined. His young adult trait is computer whiz. His LTW is pervasive private eye. After getting a job he moved out.
Someone put her down for two seconds...
It was alright though, Caleb put her in her crib though he didn't have to join her.
Dominic invited a girl over from school name Teresa.
Dominic thought it would be good to go in for a kiss.
But he was wrong and we found out she was going out with Ryan's son.
She still went to the prom with him and asked him to go steady.
I sent them to China for their honeymoon. Sadly, when they came back the game froze and I lost all of the game play. I saved some pictures though...
That is where I will end it. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. :)