Apr 06, 2004 01:47
The mall was fun! Molly Wells came with us too. I didn't buy anything though because I only have like $30 and that has to last me for like 2 months lol. I don't get any allowance for 2 months due to my prom dress being expensive =\. Oh well. Tomorrow I'm doing typing for my mom though so that will get me some $$$.
Anyways yeah the mall! Fun times. I <3 my girls! Kari and I and Michele and Molly each split cinnamon sugar pretzels from Auntie Anne's. Mmmmmm, so good.
We got back around 5 and then I went to my aunt's for dinner where I was disappointed. We had to read a lot more than we usually do and my dad made me read some prayer that he usually reads. It says "Blessed art thou, oh Lord our God" a few times and I really did not like saying it. I wanted to like cringe every time I said it. And while I was reading it I realized how much I dont like religion and how much I don't believe in it. I kind of like the story of Passover though, it's kind of like a horror movie lol. The slaying of the first born thing anyway..how it passes over all of the Jewish houses and gets all the Egyptians. It's just like creepy and mysterious and I dunno I like it. But yeah that's like the only religious story I semi believe in because I like it. All of the other ones i'm just like suuure whatever. I dunno...who cares.
Dinner was kind of a let down though. My grandma ordered food from some place in Port St. Lucie and it was eh. The gafiltafish (I have no clue how to spell that) was really good though, and the brisket was okay. Not nearly as tender as my aunt's though. And yeah for the dinner dinner part I just had brisket and some potato thing. My dad didn't make spinach pie =(. He said he will for Easter Sunday though. He'd better!! >:-O
Julia and I are pimps4life. Look for our possible up and coming LJ community, haha. Ooh ooh her and Billy are gonna come visit me this summer too when she gets her license!!! It's still a few months away (like August) but how much fun would that be if they did?! I would enjoy it, I know that much, lol. Hopefully I will get to go up north this summer though so I could see them then, too! =D But yeah I wanna stay with Michele at her aunt's house for like a few days, then stay with Marcy for like a week or something. In which time I would hoooopefully see Billster and Julia! Yay for summer! =)
I barely talked to Jon tonight =(. I called him around 12 but he was on the phone with some other guy, so he's like I'll talk to you on Yahoo. But he was super tired so he barely talked and I told him to go to bed. Then he was like "call me tomorrow" and that made me go =) so that works. Wooooooo pimp!
Elgin still has my House Party expansion pack for the Sims. I really want it back now considering I've been playing the Sims lately. You hear that Elg??? I think I will IM him with this information.
Weeeeell kiddies I think that's it for me. I have to be up to type for my mom tomorrow at like 10 =\. That gives me 8 hours of sleep!!! Not even!!! Damn this. Oh well at least it's money. Gooooodnight!