Reminder & Poll

Jul 16, 2010 22:26

Hello, all!

This is just a reminder that it's Friday! Usually, Friday's are the day that writing2death posts the advice article (#5 this week) that relates to the weekly prompt. However, there's only been one person to do this week's prompt. So, we've decided to give it till Sunday before putting the article out. And again, any prompt can be filled at any time.

And now, we've a question to ask you lovely scribblers!

We were wondering whether we should have an archive post for prompt fills - whether it would be nice to have them all in one place or whether you think the Advice Archive and the Prompt Archive is enough.

There are several options - we could have an archive post like our prompts and our advice posts or we could bookmark them on Delicious or we could not archive them at all for various reasons. It's up to you scribblers.

Poll Archiving
If you don't know what Delicious is, it's a bookmarking website that's really useful.

Commenting is screened. If you have any other suggestions, comments, or criticism, we'd love to hear it. Thanks!


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