A question on the affordable health care act

Nov 08, 2012 09:28

So one of the poll questions dealt with the affordable health care act. In it supposedly 47% of the poll stated they wanted part or all of the act repealed. Now, I'm college educated and I don't even know what exactly is in the new law so how in the world can some 47% actually know enough about it to want it repealed???

Do we seriously think this group of people did actual research?? And could specifically explain what they would change?

And yet the media just reports this statistic so lazily as if it's not hugely fueled by ignorance and fear versus real concerns. It should be presented as an issue of communication and understanding. How can you be against something you don't know? It should be presented as a rallying cry to Obama's administration that people still don't understand the law and what it is and isn't.

I wish I could believe that 47% studied the law and figured out what 'bad' things were going to happen to them personally afterward. I wish I could be that naive and less cynical. Instead it's making me crazy and depressed about how lazy we've gotten as a populace.
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