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Jan 13, 2007 23:57

Once again, we're on the mad frenzy to see every Oscar-ish movie before any award shows occur. I wish I could say it was all intended so we might be ever so snarky and clever when the awards were finally bestowed, but no, it's because we are movie ho's and just like knowing we've seen EVERYTHING!

So, in the last week, it's been Notes on a Scandal, Little Children, Dreamgirls, Children of Men, Pan's Labyrinth, and tonight History Boys. Whew! Beneath the cut are initial thoughts and my rec's.

My favorites so far:
Pan's Labyrinth - cannot say enough about this movie, the acting is incredible, the storyline intense and wonderful, the surprises truly shocking, and yes it will make you cringe and cry. Seen it twice now, great both.

Children of Men - also really great. One of my favs so far. Clive Owen - I will see you in just about anything and especially when you are all rumbly looking, and trying so very hard not to care because in fact, you care too much. Julianne Moore, good but unnecessary. Michael Caine, hilarious and memorable. Danny Huston - great cameo. Many haunting scenes that were all too realistic and leave you stunned. I need to see this one again even though it wrecked me.

Notes on a Scandal - it's like the best acted melodramas you'll see. Cate is absolutely convincing as this woman who wants to believe in her own head that she's still this cool, hip, twenty something so much so that when the truth hits, she's really devastated. Judi Dench - so incredible at showing in turns slyness, then superiority, then bemusement, then malice, then enchantment. You can't completely hate her character but she definitely makes you groan and cringe in awkwardness as you watch her spin the web of equal self-delusion.

Little Children and History Boys - good but lacking for completely different reasons. I saw the play for History Boys and it was very faithful. They actually improved some of the storyline but I think the intensity's lost a bit on film. The guys are so talented tho so really worth seeing I think.

Little Children is an odd film - Kate Winslet is fantastic and I actually liked Patrick Wilson as well. He has such a great befuddled face - he's so pretty yet shows this inner question of 'how did I get here' that really fits this story. Jennifer Connelly's character comes off very unsympathetic and I wonder if the book treats her character more fully. The odd thing is the use of this narrator voice which sometimes is brilliant and other times sadly lacking. The Director also seems to forget to use it for long windows which then makes it odd when it shows up again. I'll have to think about this one some more but I still think it's worth seeing.

Dreamgirls - yes it's been overhyped imo and I am sick of hearing about it so my review may be jaundiced but I was a bit meh. It has some great songs and ones I hadn't heard on every tv show but the story seems so flat esp. after the big Effie song. My favorite song of hers is actually the last solo of hers back in Detroit. I know it's going to win awards but I wouldn't be sad if it won nothing, harsh as that sounds. Eddie Murphy was really good. I actually liked Danny Glover too. Jennifer Hudson great voice but I can't buy into the great actress thing yet for her - she'll probably win which I'm fine with but she's not my first choice. Beyonce was better than I thought she'd be and really I blame the Director more for the long boring minutes of her being basically a model. Jamie Foxx - pretty much calling it in IMO but maybe again that's the script.

So, that's the recap for now. Go see Pan's and Children of Men if you can.
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