Jan 23, 2009 21:57
When he arrived at the ER, he realized that he had forgotten one crucial element to the 'Help the Random Woman from the Internet' plan. He never got her name. That was a very large problem.
However, it was not too large, he realized as he made his way to the desk, and quickly flashed his badge, using his title to help get him through the door and heading over in the direction of the woman in question. When he arrived at her side, placed a hand on her shoulder lightly, hoping to get her attention, but not spook her any.
"Brenda?" he said softly, looking over at her gently. "My name is Colin MacManus. We spoke on the internet."
And that sounded so much less creepy in his head.
[rp] failuretotrust,
[entry] rp,
[verse] without you