Aug 23, 2004 16:43
welll.. today was the first day of band camppp... very very long day, but all in all, it was pretty fun :-)
SOOOOO many cute guys! i have my eye on a couple, who knows what'll happen.... *hmmm* haha. sooo hot. mostly drummers, but thats okay. i get to spend all week this week w. them 9-5, and then almost every friday night for football games, some sats. for micca competitions, and tues and wed for after school rehearsal. anddd if they're in my band class during the day. woah baby... thats a lot of band time, i know, but its allll worth it. :-D im so excited to meet everyone! right now the only person i really know is ariana, so i feel kinda like a reject haha, but hopefully ill become friends w. more people as time goes on. INCLUDING the 2 or 3 i have my eye on haha. very very drool-worthy. but i think for once i actually might be moving on from my summer crush that most of you know! i like never get to see him, and its absolutly pointless... but i still cant seem to let myself let him go... alie told me that "everything happens for a reason" and i guess shes right. there was a reason why i met her, kathryn, mike, james, dave, pisquali, squanto, matt, andrew, vinnie, nick,sam, vanessa, and all of them- we wernt just on the boat at the same time for no reason. i duno, i know a lot of you think im nutssss, but i think i know what im talking about!!! there is such thing as fate, and maybe "you know who" was just there to point out a lesson for me, i dont quite know what it is yet.. maybe its to show that not all things go the way you plan, or you just have to go with the flow. i duno, he was a good learning expe.. irience for me. haha i duno i sound stupid but im happy i met him even if we dont keep in touch n it makes me really sad. it was really fun while it lasted.. i dont regret anything..
well yah ill update later