Jun 20, 2008 02:52
I'm back! Again! I hope all of you are doing well! Lots of updates... I'll try to condense. :)
Michael and I were having serious problems (my BPD and whatnot) so I decided to go to PA with my family for 2 weeks. (April 29 to May 13) We both felt like I needed some distraction from life. He and Ken ended up driving through the same day that I flew in and we spent the night together. Something just clicked that night between us. It was so beautiful. I can't really describe it. Anyways, in the days that followed, he realized that I was right in what I needed and he was wrong for just expecting me to "snap out of it". We spent every waking moment on the phone for those 2 weeks. I went there to get a break, but it didn't happen that way. Haha. Those were the best two weeks I'd had in a LONG time. He wrote me a 5-page letter telling me how much better he was going to be for me and how sorry he was for everything. It was just wonderful.
My family showed their true colors, once again. I had a miserable time with them. My grandma controlled me the whole time. My dad treated me like a slave. My mom had no time for me. My crazy ass cousin tried to kill me by driving down I-80 (one of the most dangerous interstates in the country) 100 mph and got mad whenever I wasn't shoved up her ass. Yeah, it was a blast! I was so happy to get home! I did get to hang out with CARLY!!! We went to Eat N' Park at 2:00 am like we used to when we were in high school (lol I sound old!)... drove around in her new car... visited her ex at his work (He works with mentally handicapped kids). They were in bed when we got there so I couldn't see them. :( That would've been fun. I missed her a lot. We haven't talked since, though, which is kinda sad. Basically the only things I got out of that trip down memory lane was food, food, more food, Sheetz! (which I missed the shit out of!) a good time with Carly, and a REAL fresh start on my relationship with Michael.
When I got home he took me to Springfield to the Battlefield mall! It was such a blast. We spent both of our paychecks in 3 days! (His training is a HUGE benefit!) We stayed in a jacuzzi suite, went out to eat, watched fireworks, shopped, made beautiful love, and he got me a promise ring from Zales! It's beautiful. He really surprised me with it, although I kind of had an inkling that he was going to buy it for me. It was such a great time.
I'm still working at Burger King. I don't like it so much anymore. It's horrible. I don't know how else to describe it. The managers are lazy... they don't train people right. A lot of the time I have to do drive-thru AND counter at the same time... for $6.65/hr. They call me in practically every day because people call in all the time. Last week I got 7 hours overtime and they got mad at ME for it whenever THEY were the ones who gave me those hours. I come home exhausted every night. It's fucking horrible. I'm job hunting again. It's been over 6 months since I got fired from Wal-Mart... maybe they'll take me back! I got paid way more there. I certainly won't work the morning shift again though. *sigh*
Instead of going back to school, I'm thinking about getting my CDL when I turn 21 and team driving with Michael. I would make way more money than I do at fucking Burger King or anywhere else and Michael and I would have looottts of time together. We're thinking of doing that for a few years and putting my paycheck in savings, so that when we have a baby I can stay home and we'll have money to fall back on. We're kind of liking the idea. I just don't like thinking about myself as a "truck driver." I'm a girl who likes pink! Haha Anyways... just a thought for right now.
We opened a savings account last week and have decided to put $20 each week out of each of our paychecks into it for Disney World! We're thinking about taking the kids in February. I have Disney on the brain right now! I'm just planning away. All I've been doing for 2 weeks is researching Disney World. The kids are pretty excited, too. They're not too keen on the flying part, though. Haha. Well I need to go to sleep. It's 3:19 am and I'm beat! Goodnight!!