this day will soon be at an end and now it's even sooner...

Oct 06, 2001 05:14

I should be in Ft Worth right now. I had planned to leave around 10pm last night so as to avoid the Austin traffic to Dallas. This weekend we play OU at the Cotton Bowl and I think all 50,000 students were on the road. But 10 pm came and I still felt like I had been kicked in the stomach repeatedly. So I miss the Indy race. :(

And I miss my family. I haven't been home since the very end of August for my mom's birthday and my parents' wedding anniversary. Konnor is talking like crazy. The other day I called my brother to find out about the Army physical. He has to go to a specialist about a lump in his leg and then he will take his aptitude test. While he and I were talking, Konnor kept asking for the phone. R got him to say "I love you Aunt Kris" and I just about died. What a sweet baby. That cured the baby aches right there. I guess I just have to hang out with him every now and then to keep the reproductive urge at bay. ;)

Well, even though my defective gallbladder screwed up my recovery week, I still feel like I ended it on a mostly positive note. I missed my appointment with Lynne because a certain chemist kept me up waaaaay past my bedtime, but I called her and she seemed understanding. Of course this is the 3rd time I have missed an appointment with her. And I am sure it has to be getting on her nerves, but she won't say anything because she doesn't want me to feel badly.

I wish I could fall asleep. I am so sore that it hurts to move, breathe, yawn, and pretty much just to exist. And I would kill for a cheeseburger and some fried mushrooms. But I am restricted to bland food. Mmmmm. Oatmeal. :p

On a brighter note, I got a Mink Car in the mail today! My dear joeykins bought it for me. Isn't he just the living end?! The bee's knees, I tell you. Thanks joeykins, I love you!


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