It's all that I can do right now, I'll make it up to you somehow...

Sep 22, 2001 00:23

I just finished watching Bill Maher clarify his "coward" comments on Jay Leno. I didn't think a clarification was necessary. I am concerned that everyone will censor themselves, or that we will require it of one another when speaking of this crisis. Already people are taking issue with the use of the word "crusade" to describe this. Please. And "Infinite Justice" is offensive because only Allah can provide that. And there have been places disallowing flags to be flown for fear of offending foreigners in our country. Have we really gotten to the point where we can't do or say anything for fear of offending someone somewhere?!

Yes, we have to keep a watchful eye on the government in times of crisis. We can't allow lawmakers to use our patriotism as an excuse for immoral acts. But there is also a "circle the wagons" kind of mentality that is necessary as well.

I agree that we do have to be careful what we say. For example, that moron in Louisiana, Cooksey. The "diaper head" comment should get him run out of town on a rail. And Falwell. Well, when isn't he saying something dumb? But I worry about the extreme. Prohibiting flags for fear of insulting people? People who, chances are, chose to be here? When we get more concerned with everyone's assumed feeeeelings we lose sight of what's important.

Just as we have to be conscious of what we do say, we have to note what isn't said as well. Sometimes I think what isn't said can be worse. For example, Bush's speech Thursday night. Mentioning Britain as our "truest friend" and not noting Canada's contributions really hurt some feelings. Justifiably, I think. I doubt it was an intentional slight. I doubt Britain would have gotten a specific mention if Blair hadn't been in the chamber.

I think of my friends that I haven't spoken to in a long time, or friends that I said I would call back but haven't. And then there's T. I care so much about him, but I am not sure what to do about it. I want things to be easy. But they aren't.

It's important to tell people how you feel. It's important not to self-censor. Don't assume people know what you think of them. It's possible that they don't.

politics, friends

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