Oct 06, 2004 14:47

so everytime i try to update my computer freezes so i decided to stop being a complete idiot and just use my moms computer....sooooo a lot of things have happened, well not really i lied, i hurt my back and now i have to sit out of soccer for a week at the least SUCKAGE!!  anyways, i had to go home early, well not early i just didnt go to practice today because my back was hurting really bad and i had to go home and ice and put heat on it, and nonsense like that....WOAH! know what i realized? i say nonsense a lot, but i guess thats what makes me...well..... me, i think.   maybe i should find a new phrase so that im not so annoying all the time, you know? good, i knew you would understand.   so i restocked my fridge and freezer, now i have 3 musketeer bars, a boatload of gatorade, penutbutter (even though i dont like penutbutter) jelly, bread, nestle crunch ice cream bars, and plastic knives for which to make my fantastic jelly sandwiches with.  So i have decided that i am a great big nerd-o but im sure that it was known before i had ever decided.  OH OH OH, so today, i saw siggy, and i was like, hey siggy, can i wear your belt made of leather handcuffs and bullets? and he was like sure!!!! so then i wore it, and its funny because i had a key to some old handcuffs, and i was wearing one on my necklace and i had a key to my pants....but then siggy had a key too, so i wasnt special anymore....WOAH IVE HAD TOO MUCH SUGAR.  sorry for my annoyance, so i want to re-dye my hair bright red....because im sick of people telling me that my hair looks "normal" now and i dont look like a freak, so im gonna make them all fell like super shit and dye it and be like, "i think its classy" maybe ill do that.  well how about we so that thing where you leave your name...tell me what you think about my red hair idea, and i tell you what i think about you, and i promise ill be truthful because lord knows i dont care what people think about me. YAY!  ill update soon, MUCH LOVE......later
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