Sep 22, 2006 18:59
This whole week I was sick with a swollen throat and an ear infection.
My ear infection went away, but after a while it just ached over and over again.
My throats still swollen but I can eat and drink now.
Before I could'nt eat anything or drink anything. As a matter of fact, I couldn't
even swallow my own saliva! WTF!?!
I've missed 4 days of school and I feel WAYYYYYYYY behind already.
Fuckkk man, I need to talk to my counselour.
This is EXACTLY why I don't go out on school nights, so I wouldn't miss school the next day.
But ITS I can't help it cause I'm sick.
I think I'm gonna start doing my homework that i've missed over the week.
Man I'm weird, I walked down the street going to J&B's but for some odd reason I did'nt even buy anything. I just sat there and thinked for the past 30 minutes.
Eventually I got up and left too walk around Main St. Went inside the Billiards, and THEN walked around Main st some more.
Came home and laid down to think "wow, that was completely a waste of my time."
I'm bored.
PS: I don't have a sound card in my computer so I can't hear anything. Suckkkkksss I can't even listen to my music. =[