Nov 20, 2005 03:50
12:50 I set my alarm clock to 10am so I could of gotten to work a little early, so I would'nt have to work til close. But, someone disconnected my alarm clock or turned it off cause I was'nt either getting up. I woke up and realized I had to get to work. I then Ate, got ready, and went to work. At first I did'nt even want to open my eyes seeing how tired I was from the night before (I went to go see Walk the line on Friday night but thats a whole nother story) but eventually got over it. I helped this lady in a wheelchair purchase some toys/gameboys/video games. By the time we purchased all her items that she had in the shopping cart, I was getting really exhausted. I then escorted her and her items too her "soccer mom mini van" too load up her items. She then gave me a tip, 3$ dollars that is, for helping her push a shopping cart around the store.
7:25 I get home take a shower start getting ready for the gig. Julio picks me up, he then tells me that he already picked up beer and did'nt even wait for me too give him my choice of beer! So I was kinda ticked off, becuase I wanted New Castle, but it was cool. I had a whole bottle of Mad Dog too myself. Mari kept on saying that I was a sick "hold out" cause I wasnt giving her any but, she ended up drinking the rest of it later on that night(mari's funny, cause it was her mad dog to begin with :D <33). We then go to the gig and see alot of old homies that I havent seeing in a long while. Thirty minutes into the gig, I start drinking really heavy. And then, the cops came, that was my signal to start drinking even harder! The guy of the house then says the party is over and everyone has to get out. I go outside and see no cops, so I continued drinking my Mad Dog :). I then go on they neightbors lawn and see Des which I havent seeing in quite a long while. After that, I see Lorena, and then Celeste! After I finished talking to them I walked down the street were I saw Kas, I gave her a huge hug. And then finished drinking my beer.
9:50 We start looking for another show, and we end up by Workman High school. It was the AxRxM benefit show. I see Al,Eddie, and Matt and gave them both hugs (by this point of the night I was at the climax of my drunkeness as I like to call it) and then left to Denny's. We than go to Denny's with Mari,Jessica,Janette,Paul,Steve,Julio,Miguel,and Merge. We ate, I only got a piece of pie and coffee. I sobbered up quick. We were at Denny's for about a good 2hours or maybe 1. I was than feeling tired and ehh, so I did'nt really talk to anyone. Paul then took me home.
Right now I'm freezing my nuts off, since my room is the only room in the house that does'nt have incilation. Becuase it's a garage!!! :D
Oh well that's my day.