Oct 23, 2006 19:19
this time tonight
my reflection is too much
looking at the dim shape in the foggy mirror
i wish it was like this all the time
because when you see me
it's not me
but a reflection of
who i'm trying to be
someone who is in control
and friendly
when i arrive home
the mask is discarded
and she comes out,
because at home
they know me
and i'm gone
gone to my family
in my room
trying to protect my sanity
lights flicker out
the breathing of something,
something else in the room with you
your blood is in the air
dried on your wrists and face
the scent of your sweat
lights flicker on
a flash of teeth
the grin of death
and then
more blood trickles to the floor
the universe has abandoned you
the galaxies spit you out
the planets danced away
because you once claimed
that god was a delusion
created by men of lost hope
how can you see the smile of a child who is not broken by life
and claim that this child
was created
not by a loving god
no, not for greater purposes,
but only because
a pinpoint of matter expanded
there is no room for god in a world of
rape and murder!
and the universe replies;
no, of course not
there is no room for god in a world of
love and hope,
not in a world where millions of new chances are being born each second
god is cruel.
god was cruel when he led your mother to drink
and your father to leave you
and god was so cruel he even gave you a second chance at life
when you learned your girlfriend was pregnant
the small, pure child you hold in your arms
will you let this child grow up in a world of pain and despair?
or will you let this child grow up in a world of love and redemption?