Mar 04, 2004 16:21
It's official..I am in my newsie faze. I haven't been in one in a long time. I have to go to my nannie's this weekend...yet again. I want to go somewhere this weekend...besides there. I want to go to the movies really bad. I wish I didn't have to go down there every other weekend..if I didn't..I could be doing so much more stuff that I'm missing out on. And everybody seems to always be doing something fun the weekend I have to go to my nannie's. Yet when I'm not going to my nannie's..nothing exciting happens. =\
Welp everyone made the team but coach said that not everyone will be able to do something in all the track meets. God... he made me run with some really good runners today and I did pretty good I must say. I hope he doesn't make me run alot. He made us run a 100 then a 200 then a 300, thank god he didn't make us do 400s. Then he made us run 4 laps but to walk around the turns..but it still sucked. I'm so sore and tired I can't move whatsoever. I can't wait till this is over already and we're just getting started, even though I'm having a great time and a lot of fun it's just so tiring and yeah I know it's supposed to be and I'm not sayin' I'm quiting because..heh..there's no way I'm quiting when I've gotten this far. But I don't think I've ever been this sore or tired in my life! BLAH!