Icon Challenge #9

Jan 20, 2008 16:11

Ahh, Finally!! Icon Challenge #9:

†Thistles (1, 2, and 3 or find your own.)
†Eyes (1, 2, and 3 or find your own)
†Mansions (1, 2, and 3 or find your own)

Closing date for this challenge is: Friday, 1st February. As before, voting will go up on Saturday morning and the winners will be anounced on Monday with the next challenge (depending on the turnout for this one).


*Please read these rules first!
* Animation welcome, but not necessary
* must be 100x100 or smaller
* no larger than 40kb
* Enter your icons like this
*Keep all entrie anonymous: no posting in other communities or in personal journals
* enter no less than two icons but no more than five.

Submission Form
Icon Challenge #9

Icon #1: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]

Icon #2: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]

Icon #3: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]

Icon #4: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]

Icon #5: [img]
URL: [img url]
Theme: [theme you chose for this icon]

I would like this theme for the next icon challenge: [Chosen theme]

Good Luck!!


icon challenge #9

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