So my new schedule SUCKS!

Aug 11, 2005 16:47

Today i write Bitchy, Happy, Craddle Robbing,
I need to get my schedule changed. I am an IB student though my first class is a regular FRESHMAN Physical science. ok? So i have four classes a semester. BY the end of the year i need to have taken: French II,Brit Lit, French III, World Hist, Physics, Chem, Euro Hist, and Alg II. WHAT THE FUCK WAS CHUCKLES THINKING?

So anyway here is my schedule:

1st block- Reg. Physical Sci.
2nd Block- PIB French II
3rd Block- PIB Brit Lit
4th Block- Magnet Alg II

So next semester i suppose i will hgave to take: Chem, Physics, French III, Euro His,& World his. How the hell am i going to work this? What was Mrs.Romanchuck thinking? She is such a fucking moron...who helps no one but herself! No one in IB really has a stationary schedule other then th eband and orchestra people. 3 of my 4 classes have more freshman in them than sophmores. I don't understand? French II ok that will slip...Physical sci...well that is a Fresh i don't understand why So many Freshies are taking Alg II? Why are people getting so smart? I am not suppose to be in my first block class. though i always...for teh first two days...feel so intelligent. Pharra, the other girl who is in the same padigament as moi, zones out thrugh the whole class. My teacher opt'd me out and recommend me for Phys. or Chem. I need both to continue IB. What the hell what mrs Buttface thinking. She is a shoddy Ib corrdianator. I swear to God. This happened last year to. LIke she has the whole fucking summer to organize schedules. SO why is half of Sophmore Ib's in all the wrong places? Half of those don't even have IB CLASSES...OR ANY AT ALL! So they all halng out in the Ib lounge. This isn't fair. I have a class to go to...which i am not suppose to be in. Half the materials i hjad to get was for that class....i class i am getting out of...but i still need to maintain grades. This sucks!

You know what else that sucks...last year there was tradition. Freshmans were treated worse...specially at lunch oand on the bus. This year it is light. Where is the tradition going? On the bus there are 4 Freshman who i just wanna scream at. i mean i was screamed at. Sophmores+ are dubbling up in the deats...and three to a seat even. ANd the Freshmans are just chilling with no more than two! WTF? Hello i was yelled at! That is how i met Tommaso. Yeah him and sat in the back..but we were invited...sopyhmores were speaking with us and even if we didn't they would come to us! And these four girls come to the sophmore section so a whole group of sophmores have to sit close to the front! ARGH!Tomorrow afternoon...yeah NO!I understand in the morning just cause i mean just that the freshman have to find what ever seat that hasn't been taking or there is only one person..which is sometimes in back...but in the afternoon they just glide back when not even all the fresh seats are gtaken! FRESHMAN SUCK THIS YEAR THEY ARE NO FUN AND NOT FOLLOWING THE PROPRIETY OF THE SCHOOL!

Anyway on a higher note! I spazed all yesterday...i got the goosebumps every 10 minutes cause i was so excited. It was really hot so i had lemons under my arms...but you know what it wasn't intentional! Anyway it was a good day..i was smiling a lot. I saw Zach and i gave hhim a big hug...with a lot of other guys...and people but you know he is specialer!

Ok so there is a really hott Freshman Ib guy! lol He looks older then how old he is.....AHHH! i was sitting net to himon thebus..IN THE FRESHMAN SECTION BYE THE WAY! Cause i was trying to get to know all of them, and be nice. And well yeah i only talked to the guys :X But yeah oh well! lol Yeah so this guy, Brian, is really cute. iI have a crush on him :) Go figure :-P Oh well :D While i was sitting next to him he started to put his head down...and i was like "AM I GIVING YOU A HEAD ACHE? I AM SO SORRY!" (cause you know me i was really loud and more so cause it was the first day of school) and he wassaid no...then his friend went "you are probably the one helping him stay awake" i smiled...he is cute...i want to sit next to him. but i am stupid and i don't wanna feel stupid compared to a freshman. Why do i feel so intimidated by people? Why must i be so not wise and smart? I am always afraid a guy will start liking me then he sees my grades and is like "Your not too smart are you?" (awkwardly) and he stops :( Why do i feel and think this?

Things are a lot different then last year. I don't know many people in my classes. Other then in Brit lit...and even then it is small. And In Alg II i am not really great friends...and i don't mix with a lot of them. Oh well

I am so i tried ot sleep on the bus. And i thought tommaso was going to sit down next to me so i was getting excited cause then i could just lay my head comfortably on him..but no. This kid Jake(Sophmore) sat down...who was right infront of him..bummer. And well i was just about oto doze off when he is like "Are you really going to sleep the whole bus ride?"
"I want to"
"How can you sleep?" Etc he talked ot me the whole bus ride. He has like an asian manifistation. W/e but yeah it was annoying i really wanted to get up and sit next to tyommaso so i could just fall asleep...but i didn't wanna appear rude or snything :(

Some Girl smashed a door open in my face yesterday...only those things happen to me. People pulled my pony tails doesn't bother me. I really wanna go on a date...dates make me feel happy. i think i may ask a guy on a date. but i am afraid they are going ot be like "HEY I AM GOING OUT WITH SARAH CARPENTER!" All iwant is company of a nice guy who i can have for myself for a while and go to a movie.
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