you are a pestilance. like the strands of hair that constantly brush across my face. but yet you are so sweet,you make my teeth hurt. the sound of you whining makes me cringe. and i want you to fold out, and blow up. and ill scrape little pieces of you off my winshield and smoke them. its only wednesday, cant make it until friday. but how i want you so bad. i can taste you in my blood and smell you on my clothes. and i want to breath right next to you. and tell you how beautiful you are until your ears start to trickle blood. your voice, makes my stomach turn and my heart pump rapidly and hard until tears start to form and i realize who you are. it is you.
your_fatal_endMagic Number17JobPorn StarPersonalityProcrastinator (If The Apathy Doesn't Kill Me)TemperamentCheck My PulseSexualWhatever, Whenever, WhoeverLikely To WinA Nobel PrizeMe - In A WordWhirlwindColour
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