Not all I want to say, but my thoughts only goes in one line

Dec 10, 2006 16:06

Ladies, Gentlemen, Friends and Foes:

I come to you today not to praise you, but to put forward a few things that I have observed in my time. Many of you are currently involved, some of you not, that has no bearing on what I have to talk about. What I do want to talk about though, is women, and what *experts* are hinting at, but would never come outright and say it. A lot of female audiences of this article might be offended, they would say “what does he know, he’s not a woman, he’s got it all wrong, he doesn’t know anything.” However, I am convinced by what I see that what I am saying here is absolute, and I will discuss and analyze how these reactions come to be in the first place.

First of all, I’d like to introduce this character J. For many of you, you know who J is and what kind of a person he is based on(To be clear though, I regret making this person an example, J has many endearing qualities and does no great vice.) However, for the purpose of this article, I will tell you a little bit about J. J is charming, funny, quick-witted, and a bit of an ass sometimes. I am not a woman, so I do not know whether he is an attractive man or not. Introducing character M, who is nice, compassionate, easy to get along with but a bit anal about some things and won’t stand up for himself(this character is fictitious, if it resembles you, it is not aimed to be describing you in particular but generalizing a population, like J.) J gets around very easily, being more than capable of charming girls of all age and sizes, he recently was linked to a few hot women and just recently he made out with this friend of mine who is a virgin who has never been kissed, in a room with no real door, at a crowded party. M, however, had no such luck, is single, and is not very successful in many of his life ventures.(Incidentally, to limit the variables, J and M are of the same color of skin)

Now, J, is by no means a bad person, but he is no angel either. M certainly have character flaws, but he tries to suck up to whoever he is trying to woo. Statistics show, that J’s approach is infinitely better than M’s. Why is that? Do girls not like to be treated nicely, to be spent money on, and to have someone they can count on to cherish the relationship? Of course, any girl who is asked this question will say that they do, in fact, most girls will insist that they look for a nice personality in their mate. Is this really the case? Definitely! However, more and more girls now will admit that they want somebody they are “attracted to.” This general term, when used anywhere will mask any predisposition anyone will have on anything. Example: Oh, this person is black, he’s not my type. Oh this person works at Save-On-Foods, he’s not my type, Oh this person has to take care of his disabled siblings, the real reason is I don’t want to be dragged into taking care of the person but I’ll just say he’s not my type and no one can say otherwise. This definitely applies to both sexes, not just girls. People who get away with declaring their type on specific individuals, is not in itself a problem. It is when everyone has the same “type” of people, and this “type” of persons more often than not does not encompass their stated criteria of substance, personality…etc that an interesting phenomenon arises. It would appear that, the criteria are only secondary when it comes to mate-selection. Rock-stars, will always be many girl’s types, for example, and a jackass who has broken fifteen girl’s hearts, will always be more preferable to a nice person who is not very attractive and powerless.

But I digress; this has not broken any new grounds, what I have said everyone already knows. What I wish to confer is the degree and entirety that women in particular behave. Since we established that many women want some things out of their relationships, and insist on them themselves. Why do we see women go after jackasses more? These are the very same people who proclaim that they are into guys with a nice personality and so on. Statistic shows, that people who fit comfortably into women’s “criteria” are often not what many women actually look for. Why is this? Clearly, these criteria are, if not lip service, only come secondary to what they REALLY look for. What do they really look for? Look around you and see the kind of guys who easily gets around. Are they necessarily the best guys around? Not from a man’s perspective no. So in conclusion, women doesn’t go around looking for good qualities in men, they go around with a particular agenda and look for guys they somehow want, and then either hope that they encompass the qualities the girls want, or hope that somehow by some miracle they can effect some change in the guys they bagged. Is it any surprise that some girls get screwed over again and again? Is it any surprise that girls flock to guys who they know cheats and does nasty things?

This is not to say, some people really believe and act according to what they say. This is extremely rare, however, as it goes against human nature. Most girls are simply hypocrites, I’m afraid. *no, hypocrite, not me!!* *no, racist? Not me!!* *I am totally not biased* Don’t give me these claims. They are futile and can be easily proven wrong. Anybody and everybody is biased, just because you’re politically correct doesn’t mean you’re not biased.

I’m sure by now many girls will say, “that’s not fair, guys do it too.” Difference is, guys do not pretend they’re doing anything but, the requirement is easily laid out for you, either you’re young and attractive, or you’re not. Simple as that. Other girls claim that there is one right person for you, like in fairy tales. I say to that, it is definitely possible for it to happen, but it is so improbable you might as well try the lottery. Anyways, getting to my final point, why does girls say one thing and do another? I can offer quite a few explanations. First, girls preach it so that they would believe it themselves. It’s like self-brainwashing. The more they say it, the better they feel about themselves. This is the same way a girl who is with an asshole will rationalize everything she is doing by whatever means necessary(like saying he’ll change, he IS the kind of person I’m looking for after all, despite my earlier insistence that he’s not, it’s all other people’s fault and not mine.) Second, by preaching these values, the more people subscribes to it, the better off they are. This is like praising courage in battle so that every one else goes off and die so you can be a coward and come home and *comfort* all the girls left behind. Third, it is just major rationalization, people who actually finds a guy who they would do who also happens to be nice will just claim this happens because they are right for each other. It’s like, I’m dating a rock star, but no, it’s not because I’m a groupie, it’s because we are right for each other. These people just pretend that there is one person for everyone and they just end up with the good one. *roll eyes* Yes, the good one also happens to be the right one for a great many other people, how do you explain that??

In any case, this is a major incessant rant I just made; I would welcome feedback from guys and girls alike. There is empirical evidence behind my claims, but I do not want to reveal the sources. Also, while some assholes are really assholes, a lot of others are just people in the middle who are slightly in the nasty side of the spectrum rather than the nice. I restate that in no way I am pointing to certain individuals, this is simply a generalization. Also, I do not intend to say that guys are better people, not at all. Guys do different things, but in my experience they are more honest in these matters. When someone says “I look for a girl who I would want to sleep with,” he’s not lying. I simply aim to describe and explain some theory I formulated based on people’s behaviours around me.
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