Sep 25, 2007 13:18
I got a phone call just a few minutes ago where I was informed that my friend David would most likely lose his wife to cancer today. I was then told that another political friend lost his 19 year old son to that stupid, hateful fucking war in Iraq!
While I feel great sorrow for David & his wife, she at least is in her sixties and has had time to taste the joys & see the wonders that life brings. The death of this young man just makes me feel such anger. They say we are the "disposable country." We have disposable pens, lighters, TVs, phones, even some of our computers are disposable, and now it looks like we have disposable young men & women.
Thinking about that last statement ... anytime there is war or police actions our governments seem to believe that our children are disposable. WWII I could understand, people were trying to save humanity.
Tell me Mr. Bush where is the humanity in this?