hair model needed

Apr 02, 2006 09:50

hey guys, I've posted on here a handfull of times, and now it's time to ask a favour of those who don't want a cut or a colour, but wouldn't mind looking fancy for a day. I've always loved he sets and styles of the past eras, the beahives and big hair in the 60's, the finger waves and rag set hair in the 20's so I'm taking a styling/updo class.the class is tomorrow afternoon at 2:00pm. I'm required to have a model with shoulder length or longer hair in any condition, prefferably fairly managable. OR a model with bob length fine hair I could set or fingerwave.
if you're going out tomorrow night and want something new,
or even like getting different ideas of what can be done with ones hair,
I'd love to have you in for this class.
also, it's a great way to meet me and the other salon team if you are looking to have cuts and color with us in the future.
thanks guys!
call: 604.733.7246
ask for jesse.
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