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Apr 10, 2005 19:58

Woahh this is the longest time I've gone without updating.......SLACKERRR FO SHO.......k umm, my life is pretty boring as of right this very moment--NO cell phone :(--Those fuckers from verizon screwed me over! So here's the story, today me and momma go in...confused as hell to why my phone won't even turn on...yeah I got a litttle water on it....but not a whole river soo wtff? Yeahh so we go in, and he gives me a new phone--YEAH!!!!--But I lost all my numbers in the phonebook AGAIN soo that sucked ass cause I had like 100 ppl's numbers and just got em down on this new phone but nooooo it breaks within a month...AHH! K  soo he gives it like 25 minutes for it to be ready so we come back & I get my phone and it's not turning on soo I inform my mom and she's like ooh it's low on battery? And retard me think, oohh okay....IDIOT! So we go home...I put it in the charger ASAP and what does it do? Doesn't turn on...just sends me this bad battery message......Ahhhhh fuckin phone.....The guy was an IDIOT and sent me my same phone back with me?! Like, seriously, I prob know more shit about phones than he does....So yeah we gotta go in again tomorrow & hopefully I'll still be able to make it to my teams soccer game @ 5:30...HELL YEA I'm the manager!!! Ooh yeah I started work...it got easier after the first day...except some major harrassing goin down...fuckers ill killl ya!....But yeah other than that, I think I'm doin alright...some ppl may disagree but I DON'T CARE BITCHHH...This weekend was tight as hellll!! :) Had some funn...but i'm hearing alot of drama goin down so sorry if somin hpnd that idk bout! Well today was fun too...hung out with some old friends...Jen & Lisa...that was fun cept Lisa sucks @ driving like woahh! She goes like 70mph on the highway like wtf 90 is the new 70?!...yeah and hopefully we'll party this wked if I can hook that shit up....and hook somin else up too...haha. DANG this entry is hauling ass. Ohh SB 05' was swwweeeeet!...very fun times :)...especially with an amazing movie called Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.. RENT IT!!! NOW. K i'm wrapping this baby up cause I have soo much shit to do before school tmorrow...another 2 half days! WHAT! Call me if u wanna hang.....if I'm not workin my 2 jobs! DAMN! kk love you all ..... LATERR.
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