It's on its way.

Aug 20, 2006 17:56

Number 3 is done, I suppose. I don't do much revising/revisiting with these pieces, leaving a rough draft, well, final. Enjoy...

I could smell fall through my back on the grass
Traveling fast-as the summer wind passed
I've caught his scent in recent afternoons
Sprung up in bed, fever struck, a cold sweat kind of moon

We met back where the cat-tail bridge extends far into tomorrow
Or morse damn where the glass shards lend us hands of sorrow
-Now my eyes lay heavy, all the weight centered on my chest-
Resisting, twisting, coexisting, an empty unrest

I am extremely sore from getting beat up yesterday. Arm torn in some way/Jaw feels fractured/Body comatose.

-The drum line around the fire was perfect last night-

When I was young, younger than before I never saw the truth hanging from the door.

.What an end to summer.
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