Less Depressed!

Dec 24, 2004 09:46


[Name] Billy
[Nickname] Billy... haha, Robin doesn't really have a pet name for me
[Screen name] th3biindpr0ph3t, diediedieliveeat, purityxcontrolx, Milly The Silly, xxxemokiddiexxx, and a bunch more that I don't use
[Birthday] June 1st
[Age] 17
[Astrological sign] Gemini
[Chinese zodiac sign?] Not sure, don't care
[Location] Baltimore
[Sexual Preference] Robin <3
[Marital Status] I'm all Robin's
[Religion] I was raised as a Southern Baptist, but I don't subscribe to an organized for of Christianity
[Eye color] Brown
[Height] 6'
[Shoe size] 12 1/2 in men's
[Parents still together] Yes
[Siblings] Younger brother
[Nieces/Nephews] No. Haha
[Pets] Dog -- Sweetie
[In school/graduated] In june...
[What do you drive] 91 Oldsmobile CUTLASS SUPREME dubbed the "Emobile"


[Color] Black and White
[Number] Don't have one
[Animal] Dogs
[Vehicle] Anything that moves from point A to point B
[Flower] Don't have one
[Scent] Her <3... vanilla
[Drink] Tea
[Book] You've opened a can of worms... haha. Invisible Monsters, Choke, Diary, Lullaby
[Band] Thursday
[Song] "A Hole In The World"


[Color your hair?] Not yet, black soon enough
[Twirl your hair?] When it gets long enough
[Have tattoos?] Not yet, but when I get them I will get TWO and they will be on the insides of my arms
[Have Piercings?] Not yet
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] Girlfriend
[Cheat on tests/homework?] Nope
[Drink/Smoke?] Straightedge
[ Like roller coasters?] Of course. <3
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] With Robin
[Want more more piercings?] Yes, I want to get my ears done (soon they shal be, haha) and the side of my lip (+200 scene points)
[Like cleaning?] No, but I get it done when needed
[Write in cursive or print?] Print
[Sweat a lot?] When I'm active sometimes I do
[Own a web cam?] Yes
[Know how to drive?] Of course. I said I drive a car, dumbass.
[Diet?] No, but I usually don't eat unhealthily (lately has been different though)
[Own a cell phone?] Yes
[Ever get off the damn computer?] Only for band practice, Robin, or a friend


[Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope
[Been in a wreck?] Yes, I wasn't driving though
[Been arrested?] Not technically
[Been in a fist fight?] Yes
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] No
[Stolen anything?] I may have, but it was probably when I was younger and something incredibly insignificant
[Held a gun?] Yes
[Drank?] Yes
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] No
[Considered a life of crime?] No
[Considered being a hooker?] :-\ Fuck no.
[Cheated on someone? ] No, I would never cheat on ANYONE, even if I didn't love them *cough* Nicole *cough*
[Cried over a girl?] Yes
[Cried over a boy?] Sort of, but it was because he was a friend that just did something fucked up to me
[Lied to someone?] Yeah
[Been in love?] <3 Of course
[Fallen for your best friend?] Yes, Mal. But I definately consider Robin my best friend <3
[Made out with JUST a friend?] Nope
[Been rejected?] Haha, too many times to count
[Been in lust?] Yes
[Used someone?] No
[Been used?] YEs
[Been cheated on?] yes.
[Been kissed?] yep.
[Experimented with homosexuality?] No
[Current mood] Headache
[Current taste?] NOthing
[Current hair] Not emo enough
[Current thing I ought to be doing] Pissing
[Current cds in stereo] The Postal Service "Give up"
[Current crush] Robin <3
[Current job] Slacker <3 (looking for a job after the holidays)
[Last book you read]Hamlet, Taming of The Shrew, Jedit
[Last movie you saw] meet the fockers
[Last thing you ate] bread. starbucks.
[Last person you talked to on the phone] My mom


[Do drugs?] nope.
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] no.
[Play an instrument?] Bass, vocals, and Guitar, I want to play drums
[Believe there is life on other planets?] Yep
[Read the newspaper?] Sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Haha, of course
[Believe in miracles?] Yes
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Yes.
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] Very.
[Consider love a mistake?] No, never.
[Have a favorite candy?] Not really
[Believe in magic?] Nope
[Believe in God?] Yes.
[Do well in school?] Somewhat
[Wear hats?] Sometimes, I look goofy though
[Hate yourself?] Heh, depending on my seratonin levels
[Have an obsession?] Music
[Have a secret crush?] Nope
[Do they know yet?] Yes.
[Collect anything?] CDs
[Have a best friend?] Robin, anyone in my bands
[Close friends?] yup.
[Care about looks?] Not really, but right now I got really lucky that such an amazingly beautiful girl that I connect to so very well loves me

[First crush] Not sure
[single or attached?] Attached to Robin. <3
[Ever been in love?] Yes
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] No, but I believe that you can know that you can know that you like the person and a stable relationship can form that can eventually lead to love at first sight.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Yes. <3
[Describe your ideal significant other] Someone I can talk to. Someone who can handle certain aspects of me and still love me just as much. Someone who loves music at least a fraction as much as I do. <3 Robin <3


[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] No
[Are you a tease?] No
[Shy to make the first move?] Not shy, but I make sure everything is right


[Wuss] No
[Druggy] No
[Daydreamer] Yes
[Freak] *wink*
[Dork] Haha, no contest.
[Bitch/Asshole] Sometimes
[Brat] Nope
[Sarcastic] Sometimes
[Angel] No, lol.
[Devil] I'm in the middle
[Shy] Sometimes
[Talkative] Yes
[Flirty] Not consciously.


of time you've been in love? 3.
of girls you have kissed? Four
of boys you have kissed? One
of times your name has appeared in a newspaper? A few
of scars on your body? Quite a bit
of things in your past you regret? A few


pretty? No
funny? sometimes.
hot? Def not
friendly? Yes
ugly? As a person, but I think too much
loveable? Yes
caring? Yes
sweet? Sometimes
dorky? This is repetitive
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