Feb 09, 2008 17:19
"is it ever going to end?
in the right situation we are capable of the most terrible crimes
to imagine a world where this was not so
where every crisis did not result in new atrosities
where every newspaper was not full of war and violence
well this is to imagine a world where human beings
cease to be human beings"
i see
we are all alone in this
i feel
maybe love is the answer
but i am unsure of my inquiry
for i have not come across the feeling of an unfalliable bond
i wonder
can it overcome all obstacles
i grasp
this whole idea that we have all this will to just survive
but why
why do instincts tell us that we must be independant for that one moment when your minds eye
tells you that you have insecurity wrapping your 5 sences
is it worth it
to survive in a world that is collapsing under our feet
in an abundance of downfall
of the human mind
we are either binding together or forcefulling pulling ourselves apart
by horrible dissolution
i dont understand
how there is this excess of scrutiny
in this fake reality that is really nothing more than a dream
because it is to harsh of a task to succomb to the truth
if its even out there
do you see
what i see?