1 more week!!! YAY!

Mar 08, 2005 15:26

SO the internet on my lap top isn't working again :( oh well I will be able to get it to work when I move out which from today is a week!! I am so siked.. Jean and I are going to make the place look better outside but as of right now we are just decorting the inside.. Cara and Liz got a house for next year!! Which is really exciting cause Liz told me I could crash at her house when we go over there! YAY! I am super excited for them :) I am going to go hang out with a friend in a little bit then like at 6 i m hanging out with Jean and Chris !! We have all became such great friends I love it!! OMG I GET TO SEE DANE COOK LIVE THIS NEXT MONTH!! I am so siked that Matt like introduced me to him cause he is sooo freakin hott and funny!! I can't wait! YES SIR! I am going to go make coffee cause I am dying cause I am hella tired and once again I slept in and didn't go to school .. ooo I should probley go study I am off to do that.. Loves everyone!! xoxo

I love Daniel :)

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