Oct 10, 2005 18:04
[22:29] youngsilverwolf2: I smehow got kicked offline.. o.o
[22:29] WindsweptFalcon: aww
[22:29] youngsilverwolf2: lol
[22:29] Ninja Legends: aw
[22:33] youngsilverwolf2: hm. my internet senses are telling me the signal might go out again..
[22:33] *** Ninja Legends has left the chat.
[22:34] youngsilverwolf2: *kicks her laptop* oi! make up your mind!
[22:34] WindsweptFalcon: o.o; Strong senses you have
[22:34] *** Ninja Legends has joined the chat.
[22:34] youngsilverwolf2: yes. Internet forces I have..
[22:34] youngsilverwolf2: XD
[22:34] PsychoSubz: fff
[22:34] WindsweptFalcon: wb
[22:34] Ninja Legends: Sorry, was bumped
[22:34] PsychoSubz: cha
[22:34] youngsilverwolf2: wb
[22:34] PsychoSubz: wb
[22:34] Ninja Legends: Ello
[22:35] Ninja Legends: Thanx
[22:35] PsychoSubz: ok my new catch phrase - ffff-cha!
[22:35] youngsilverwolf2: *was thinking of star wars and yoda* XD
[22:35] WindsweptFalcon: XD *was too*
[22:35] PsychoSubz: ffff-chhhhhhaaaaa?
[22:35] WindsweptFalcon: No, about Yoda and Star Wars
[22:35] PsychoSubz: i don't even know what ffff-cha means
[22:36] PsychoSubz: no I was just saying it
[22:36] WindsweptFalcon: oh, kay
[22:36] PsychoSubz: it's fun to say...
[22:36] PsychoSubz: fffaaaaa-cha
[22:36] youngsilverwolf2: *nods*
[22:37] youngsilverwolf2: Must master the forces of the Internet-empire!
[22:37] youngsilverwolf2: Tally-ho!
[22:37] PsychoSubz: sounds like something a kungfu guy would say
[22:37] WindsweptFalcon: Ah, do not be swayed by the powers of the dark side...
[22:37] PsychoSubz: lol wtf "tally-ho"?
[22:37] Ninja Legends: XD
[22:37] youngsilverwolf2: *dies laughing*
[22:37] Ninja Legends: TALLY-HO!!! XD
[22:37] WindsweptFalcon: XD
[22:38] PsychoSubz: thats nice, tally-ho is so star wars lol
[22:38] youngsilverwolf2: Thunder! Thunder Thunder cats! Ho!
[22:39] Ninja Legends: XD!
[22:39] WindsweptFalcon: XD
[22:39] youngsilverwolf2: *has no iea what she's saying at the moment*
[22:39] youngsilverwolf2: *idea
[22:39] Ninja Legends: HAHAHAHA!