Jan 12, 2005 13:09

I just got a phone call from Cheryl at Circuit City and I have an interview on Saturday at 1. That's friggin awesome!! They start at $8.50. F some Pac Sun if I can get a job there! I'm so excited. I have a plan to save money, so I can get my license back on the 25th, so my mom will stop bitching at me so I can fucking drive my ass up there. I'm so excited!! Holler for a new job!

I realized something last night...why I'm not ready for another boyfriend. It's all Johnny's fault. I've never been in a healthy relationship, you know where you talk on the phone with yer BOO everyday, and see them everyday, so when Brandon was calling me all the fucking time it was getting on my nerves. I was like "Dawg you a stalker!" And also, I'm afraid of being hurt, and I don't trust NOBODY. The only guy I really trust is the one that I would never ever ever go out with and that would be Jamie. AND!! I don't think anyone will ever treat me as good as John did when he was being good to me. I don't think anyone will ever be as patient with me as he was, considering B.Blunted was trying to smash all the fuckin time, and Johnny never onced pressured me at all. I miss being in 8th grade when making out was the thing to do. Why can't I find somebody that DOESN'T NEED TO GET FUCKED EVERY OTHER DAY!?!?!?! Even though John was patient with me, I guess he was because he was getting it on the side from God know's who else. AND!! I don't have time for a boyfriend. I have too much to do this year to be worrying about making time for some guy who will get mad if I have to break plans because I have to go into work, or have a project to do. I can't find someone at school that's worth my time, and everyone else doesn't go to school and by the time I've put a full day of work in, they just woke up. I also have yet to get my license back, so it's hard to see someone that lives further than bellefonte, because there is no such thing as a friggin guy that drives legally and has a car. I don't really care, though to be honest. I mean, unlike some of my friends, I don't need someone to call my boyfriend, they're way too much work. It's like babysitting and I fucking hate kids, so why the hell would I want a boyfriend?? Jamie is all I need. That's my Ace Buc, my bestest friend, and the only thing I need out of a boyfriend --- someone who actually cares!!

I think I might just go to Del Tech next year, that way, if I get this job at circuit city, I can still work there and save mad loot before I run off to a college far away. Also, so I have some seniority if I decided to go away to school and that way I can be like yo, I'll be back in the summer and over winter break, so make sure you keep my spot, niggas. I really hope I get this job. It's gonna be so fucking awesome if I do. I can't really imagine that people can suck worse than people that come to the pharmacy and don't want to pay $400 because their insurance didn't work, and some how that's MY fault so I'm the one getting paid 6.50 to listen to them bitch at me, and try to explain to these incompitant people that it's NOT my fault and what they need to do is go fuck themselves.

I didn't go to school today. I could NOT get myself up this morning. I went with Ash to the bank so I could get money for her and my mama bear. I'm feeling much better. I think I just needed a day off.

I just got a letter in the mail, and I didn't get into Penn State. Good thing I didn't have my hopes up. I don't now if I want to go to Del State. I probably got in, but maybe I'll just go to Del Tech like I said.

Shower time, I have to go to work at 4.
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