So. Here's how it happened: I was in the middle of a gig when a circular patch in my drum's head went slack - never mind that the outer rim of the head surrounding that patch was alarmingly (as in 'take cover, she's going to blow') taut.
I did what any staid and stoic semi pro would do: I panicked. At the break, I raced behind the pub to phone
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Comments 4
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We're funny.
I trust he'll not make her schizophrenic (any more than I'd do). If she's any sort of 'spirit' at all, it was himself gave her that in the crafting of her, so. I'm chagrinned that it came to this. It'll be interesting to hear what he's got to say tonight (even if it's 'cut that shit out').
I have to say I'm sick of this dry weather and how it's affecting my babies as well. I'm rather nervous about what might happen when we have to play outside in the heat if this keeps up with little to no rain.
And this icon makes very little sense in context, but I wanted to use it.
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Mind is truly the first thing to go. Sure jeez.
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