The weekend was surprisingly grand, but I've not yet decided whether I'll make a public post about it all. I suspect it'd all be couched in too much vague language to make any sense.
So whilst I'm dithering, here's a meme.
1.) Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up:
My handbag
Half of a pretzel
A brochure for an Asian pottery exhibit
The tiniest mousemat ever
A leaky travel beaker
2.) How do you style your hair?
I must have it wash and wear. Seriously. If I can't dry it and run a brush through it and call it that, it'll not fly. Gone, gone are the days in which I'd throw entire bottles of lacquer onto my locks.
3.) What are you wearing now?
Haha. Attire entirely inappropriate for the office, and yet. Mon couture du jour: a long green cardie that flies about like a vampire's cape when I walk; a white shirt with shiny threads in; a dark blue vest with sparkly bits on; a pair of velveteen plus fours; my green Doc Martens. I'm waiting for somebody to Take Me Aside over it all. To which I'll riposte 'What can you do? Sack me? I'm already after quitting!' (Actually, I'm sure I could be sacked, but...still.)
4.) What's your occupation?
Till the middle of April, I remain the person who tells the designers What They've Got Wrong. After which, I'll swift my title to 'professional bodhranai', 'cos...that's really the only thing going to make me any dosh - scant though it be.
5.) What do you hear right now.
Sirens and the air vents going whrrrrrrrrr.
6.) Who was the last person you hugged?
Shaddow, this morning, before we set off from our house to our respective offices.
7.) What is/was for dinner?
Don't know. It's seisiun night. I might go for a salad or something.
8.) What did you do today?
Drove to the office. Led a meeting. Realised that I'm still throughly fagged from the weekend despite sleeping for ten hours.
9.) Dog person or cat person?
I do tend to prefer cats over dogs, mostly 'cos they're a bit aloof and so am I. A dog would never fit my lifestyle.
10.) If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Something that nobody could pronounce but myself.
11.) What was the last thing that you bought?
Pasta salad.
12.) If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Dublin. I'd phone Michael first. :D
13.) Where do you see yourself in five years?
Janey mac. I can't do. I can't see myself in five months. There's so much still up in the air that it's banjaxed my ability to cast my eyes into my own future. Here's hoping I'll still be sucking air.
14.) Where's your birthmark?
Gone. I did have one on one foot for the longest time, but it vanished aeons ago. I couldn't tell you which foot. My bastard cousin had one on his face. Serves him bloody right. XD ( likely made him worse, so I retract that a bit)
15.) What are you doing this weekend?
Possibly digging Orion Rising out from Project Peaches. Or going to the Gardens. Or flying a kite.
16.) If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
Alright, if I could wake tomorrow magicKally gifted with the ability to play the uilleann pipes, that'd be alright. Otherwise...I'm fairly settled with the ones I do play - I merely need to play them all better.
17.) If you could change one thing about your personality, what would you change?
Oh, that I could be not so damned neurotic.
18.) How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two, usually. I'm not really a pillow thief, contrary to rumour.
And...that appears to be it. Brevity's grand, so.